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Vodafone smart prime 6 PC download?

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi, do i need a pc software cd disc to install on my pc for when i want to download my new Prime smart 6 phone photos onto the computer? i plugged it into the pc , it recognised the phone but it said Device not found, what do i need to do please?


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi and Welcome to the eforum. 




You may need to either update a driver in your Pc or download one. 


Section 6.4 in the User Manual.



6.4 Connecting to a computer via USB With the USB cable, you can transfer media files and other files between your phone and computer. To connect: • Use the USB cable that came with your phone to connect the phone to a USB port on your computer. You will receive a notification that the USB is connected. • Open the Notification panel and touch Connected as a media device, then, in the next dialog, choose the way in which you want to transfer files.

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



I'm about three days into this and getting really fed up. All my previous vodafones have connected up via bluetooth no problem. On this one (and windows 7) I connect and pair Ok but then the driver can't be found. This article does not really help because the dialog box to say that I have coonnected a device does not appear, (presumably because it knows about it already) so I can't follow that route. I'm guessing that the phone has the driver in its software but how can I get my PC to understand that ?

Also I haven't a clue how to get back to this forum once I sign out. I will stay signed in for a while just in case somebody replies.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

To sign back in, click on the "sign in" box that's between the search box in the red banner and the larger Vodafone Community banner at the top right.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Going back to your original query, have you tried a cable connection?   It seems to me that, as we are at present, there are two potential issues: the pc and bluetooth.  If we could eliminate one of them, it might be helpful.


There are also 3rd party apps (eg Cheetah Mobile's File Manager or ES File Manager) that can access a shared drive/folder over wifi.  That's what I use for file transfers, though I also have a NAS box (which is a shared device, of course).

Edited to add: you may not need to do a share, just sign in as you would on the pc itself.   The app will walk you through that and remember the setting.

Cable connection works fine, bluetooth pairs fine, for example if I change the bluetooth device name on the phone it is picked up immediately by the PC. The problem is that the driver does not download from anywhere so the device is not installed properly and file transfers fail. I saw a youtube video showing how to download drivers from Microsoft for numerous phones but it does not show where on Microsoft.  I have tried downloading drivers from one or two sites on the web but just end up with lots of unwanted programs and ads. The problem may be that I am using windows 7 but I really don't want 10 after trying 8.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I once had great fun trying to get bluetooth working on a PDA (remember them?!) after the card I was using perfectly happily failed.  The software for the new one didn't have the right file transfer drivers and I gave up.


Have you tried using wifi instead of BT for transferring instead? - I mentioned a couple of apps above.

I will probably stick to a cable, Vodafone don't seem to offer an answer, Chat suggested that I go into a shop.   I can't see the shop being interested in finding a driver for my laptop, they are not famed for being helpful.  I have 67 optional upgrades available from Microsoft for my windows 7. One of them might include the driver but without an index to the numbered upgrades how can I tell ?

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I doubt the shop would know unless there happened to be someone there who was a Windows specialist or had had to solve the same problem.


Do the upgrades have numbers?   If so, you should be able to Google them and find out what they are from the Microsoft knowledge base.  I've never had that number of optional ones, though - only two or three.


You mentioned Windows 7 earlier.   I'm sticking firmly to that myself.  Some things I've read suggest that MS drivers are broadly similar from 7-10.  If you want to find a Windows 10 driver for your BT, it's quite possible it'll work.


Using an app is really simple.  You install it on the phone, then use it to sign into the device you want to connect to.  You can only initiate transfers on the phone, of course; the computer can't see the phone.