22-12-2009 10:38 PM
23-12-2009 09:09 AM
23-12-2009 08:23 PM
It sounds as if the dongle is not being mounted correctly by the router.
If you telnet into the router, what's the output of:
dmesg | tail
23-12-2009 08:27 PM
24-12-2009 09:35 AM
You'd be better off opening a command prompt (type cmd from Run), rather than using Run directly, and then running telnet within the command prompt - so you can see the exit state / error message of telnet.
I don't know if this particular router has a telnet option on the interface, or whether you'd need to start in by entering a debug mode - it shouldn't be enabled by default.
24-12-2009 10:03 AM