08-11-2017 12:05 PM
Hello All
I'm about to return this to Maplins, but wondering if anyone can help. I have the Yale WIPC-301W, internally this works fine with the Yale Smart Living App on my iphone, but externally it doesn't.
Once I access this on 4G, or another Wi-Fi network , it does not. The instructions from Yale are hopeless. I've tried using DDNS / external IP, which works initially but the app always reverts back to P2P and then fails. So it seems the only option I can use is P2P.
I have a port forward on the vodafone router, to the camera. The camera has a static IP too. I've reset the camera, and upgraded to the latest version.
I don't know if anyone has any suggestions what I am missing in the config on the router. I tried running a wireshark trace to see what traffic the camera is generating, but it didn't really reveal anything.
If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated.
09-11-2017 11:57 AM
Hi Tim,
I wonder if this is related to the issues some Phillips Hue users are experiencing where they are able to control their light internally without issues but cannot control when outside the LAN...
A router firmware downgrade was offered to resolve the issue... may help in your case also? Broadband customer services should be able to arrange it for you.