17-08-2011 03:30 PM
Anyone know details of how to perform silent install on mobile connect lite software.
18-08-2011 07:03 PM
Hi there joeshmo,
Many thanks for your query about performing a silent install on Vodafone Mobile Connect Lite.
Do you mind if I ask what it is you are trying to install?
I can't be sure on this one so I'll hand it over to one of my esteemed colleagues for more insight. In the meantime, if you could update the thread with as much detail as possible, it will help us to help you
eForum Team
29-02-2012 10:54 AM
Hello, I also as above wish to silently install the vodafone mobile connect lite software silently
For example VMC_Lite.exe /S
I am struggling to get this working with VMC lite, but for VMC Full I can get it working using
msiexec.exe /i "Vodafone Mobile Broadband.msi" TRANSFORMS="2057.mst" OPCO_PROP="23415" LANG_HEX_PROP="0x0809" /qn
I would prefer to use the Lite app, as the Full version installs too much stuff still such as the Connection Manager which interferes with my connections (unless there is a tag I can add on to stop it using connection manager?)
Please help!!!
Kind Regards
01-03-2012 11:21 PM
Hi PhillWalker and welcome to the eForum
I’m afraid this is not something that we’ll be able to help with. You’ll need to speak to somebody who has a greater understanding of Windows. You’re probably best either, waiting for some one from the eForum community to offer suggestions or speak to an independent IT specialist.