16-05-2017 07:28 PM
Since purchasing my new suresignal box last tuesday I have tried every day to register it and keep getting the following error:
We're working hard to fix the issue, so please try again later.: 500, 2011 - [1a1]
I have also used 'livechat', and on thursday I was told they had successfully registered it for me and to wait 6 hours. This turned out to not be true, and I had a further chat with someone else on Sunday whereby they attempted to register the sure signal unit and said after 20 minutes that due to a technical issue they were unable to at the time and to try again tomorrow.
I find this completely unacceptable for a service which I purchased the hardware for a week ago. Please can vodafone sort this out.
17-05-2017 09:32 AM
@Boothster76 Please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread, then post back your results if you’re not directed to an existing thread.
17-05-2017 11:12 AM
Hi. I did read the FAQ which states:
If you have any other problems with your Sure Signal registration or management, please contact our Live help team.
As as per my original message, I did this. Twice.. Failing at the first hurdle of actually registering the device to my account, I didn't see any point in running speed tests or trace routes and posting them. I will however provide that information later today.
17-05-2017 11:18 AM
@Boothster76 If you could provide us with your Sure Signal serial number, we'll be able to help further
17-05-2017 07:49 PM
@Sukhi - thank you, my serial number is 42170382099
18-05-2017 08:48 AM
I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.
For anyone else with the same issue, try the steps listed here and if you’re still affected, contact customer service.