24-03-2015 06:58 AM
24-03-2015 07:24 AM
26-03-2015 10:09 AM
Hi @Angie79
If you've used up a lot of the memory on your phone, you may see it crashing or lagging when you're downloading or performing tasks.
You can check available space and free up unused files via:
If storage isn't an issue, then we can arrange to repair your phone under the warranty.
26-03-2015 10:15 AM
26-03-2015 04:19 PM
I somehow doubt a repair would solve this and it sounds more like an app issue than anything else. As a final throw of the dice, try restarting the phone (I don't mean resettting, just turning it off and on) and doing the installation straight away. It's just possible it's a RAM issue and that it'll work when there are no other app caches and fewer running processes.
Googling the error message produces the suggestion to go into Settings|Apps, opening Google Play Store and hitting the Clear Data button. Maybe do that first.
30-03-2015 01:46 PM
Hi @Angie79
We can take a look at the phone for you, check out our repair process.
The store can offer a loan phone providing they have them in stock.
30-03-2015 05:55 PM
31-03-2015 10:55 AM
You won't get a loan phone if you don't have either of those things. Your best option would be to buy a cheap PAYG phone and use that. You may find that the cost is cheaper than paying extra for a Red contact or insurance over a prolonged period (and you'll have a spare phone for furure use).
I still think it's unlikely to be something that needs a repair and may be an app issue, though I'm a bit stumped as to what it can be.
01-04-2015 11:50 AM
Try using your Phone in "Safe Mode". This stops all 3rd party apps from running (ones you have installed) and only allows ones that came pre installed to work. This will tell you if it is an App issue or a System issue.
The phone will restart and will be fully functional except for the 3rd party (downloaded apps)
Use the Phone as normal and see if you get crashing...?
If the Phone doesn't crash; It is probably one of your installed apps?
If the Phone does crash; It is probably a system fault and needs a repair.
Restart the Phone to exit Safe Mode.