02-02-2018 05:36 PM
I recently went on to chat about problems, and had a specific part of it resolved (I hope). It was about how a promise in a previous chat hadn't happened (I'd been told my bill would be reduced the next month because the signal had been down for about 3 weeks, but there was no reduction in the bill). It's now promised to be reduced next month.
But I was also complaining more generally about erratic, incorrect and missing information. Like others around home I was sent a text saying that the signal would be down for a few days for upgrading the network and they would let me know when the work is complete. They didn't, and it was down for three weeks not a few days. The network problems page was seldom true about whether the signal was up or down. It sometimes said that maintenance was going on, and other times it was just blank.
On 16th December the network plans page said that 4G was coming in the next three months. A few days later it said that there were no plans to upgrade to 4G, and the page showed only 2G here. Now it says "4G current coverage report (what is 4G?) Sorry - there are no upgrades planned in the next 3 months to improve the coverage here" but it shows 4G as being available all ove the area. I don't know if it's true because my phone only gets 3G, which has been a very welcome change.
So when I had the 5 feedback text questions early this week I was critical of Vodafone's information. If information were correct, and up to date, and if staff did what they promised, I would be OK about taking three weeks to upgrade the network., especially as the weather had been very bad then.
This morning I had a call from 01709917482. I'd noticed that I'd missed two previous calls from them this week and had tried to find out who they were. The internet just said a Rotherham number, and its not on Vodafone's list of numbers at
The caller claimed to be Vodafone, and asked what I thought about their service. I summarised what I've written above. He said to take action on my concerns he would need to know two digits of my PIN. I replied that he needs to prove his identity, not the other way round, because he could be an imposter. He said I can check his number on Vodafone's list of numbers, which I said I had done and not found it. He got a bit stroppy about how it was me who needed to confirm my identity, not him, so I treated him as a scammer, and soon closed down the conversation.
If he really were Vodafone, or authorised by them to follow up feedback, then he needs to be far better supported by them in proving identity and dealing properly with customers. As it stands it's just made me more disatisfied with Vodafone, and I'm seriously thinking of migrating to O2 or GiffGaff as most of my neighbours have done, when my contract expires.
Sorry this has been a long rant, but it shows that there is a general problem, not always a specifiv one, to be addressed.
02-02-2018 09:37 PM
There's some debate about that number over on scamphone's website. Some users claim it isn't Vodafone, others say it is.
I think you did the right thing. While Vodafone could well have overlooked adding it to their list you could just as easily have a scammer mirroring a very similar number and collecting a load of PIN information from customers.
I'm sure the Vodafone team on here will be able to confirm one way or another.
Vodafone customer since 2004. Attempting to help where I can on the Community
03-02-2018 05:24 PM - edited 03-02-2018 05:24 PM
@dutyhog2 - Thanks for making us aware of the number that’s called you and not on our list. Another user flagged this last week and we’ve requested it to be looked into.
I can confirm it would have been someone from here calling and I’m sorry for the way the call was handled.
We can get this fed back. Please send us your details by following the steps in this private message.
So that we can look into the signal issues you’re facing, please complete the below template:
1) Does the issue happen in just one location? If so, how far do you have to travel to regain service?
2) What is the full postcode (e.g. ST1 1AA) of where the issue occurs?
3) Does the issue occur if you try your SIM card in a different phone?
4) What errors are seen or heard when the issue occurs?
5) Does this happen on 2G, 3G, 4G or all?
6) When did you first notice this issue?
7) Is the issue permanent or intermittent? If intermittent, are there certain times of the day when it occurs?
03-02-2018 05:46 PM
Thanks for replying, but the link to a private message doesn’t show one from you.
Also your questions don't seem to be about my issues, but I'll leave dealing with that until I can see your missing PM.
05-02-2018 11:28 AM
Apologies @dutyhog2, I've now sent another private message to you.
We'll be happy to take a closer look into any coverage issues you're experiencing through the template provided by @Gemma