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FTTP 900 speed and connection issue.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hey all.

If anyone has advice I'd appreciate it. 

7 plus hours of calls to VF. Online chats. Escalations. Tier 2. Specialist teams. None the wiser.

I started with pure fibre 100. Had 100 minimum up and down consistently. No issues 

200. The same. 

500. Perfect. Hitting 520 plus up and down all the time varying by a few mb either way. 


3 weeks ago. My router startered kicking everyone off the Internet. Not rebooting just cutting any signal wired and wireless. Then comes back on. Shows. No ipv4 connection available then eventually let's everything back on again. This has happened 10 times in one day at times and others 1 or 2. Sporadic. 

Online test said line issue. City fibre. It gets raised they work on it. I get a text and say all good. 

72 hours or so later. It happens again. 

This time. Apparently no line fault and the router is according to them. Fine. 

I have one lot telling me it's a line issue. Another lot saying my line is fine. 

I took the black Friday offer and went for 900mb. I barely hit 600 and at points 350 etc. Yet told my ont sync is at over 900. My router the THG3000 is connecting at 515. 🤦

I am being told my drop outs and slower speed are apparently due to me living in a brick house with brick walls and it's a WiFi issue. Weird as I've never had an issue before. 

They are refusing to send a new router to test as they say its fine as long as I get over 450. Which I've told them is sporadic and the drop outs are not due to WiFi signal.

They are sending a WiFi booster although I've never needed one and 3 of my neighbours on 900 are hitting above as I was with 500.

Router status says. 2.4 bandwidth 117. Max bw 288. Minimum sync 117.


Bandwidh 585

Max bw 2gbps

Minimum sync 585.

So what could be the reason for the drop outs and not achieving the speed or at least a decent increase to be more stable. Error logs I've been told show line issues. Yet im being told the line is fine and now it's just my WiFi signal. These people are zero help and just pass you around and conflict their stories. Now I have to run more tests later for when they call tonight. Speed test on each port on the router. Seriously banging my head against a brick wall as I had none of this 3 weeks ago until it dropped off signal wise. That was on 500 which was unbelievably stable. 

Now not so much. 

Wired and WiFi the same. 




At least you are hitting those speeds. I haven't yet. They are not acknowledging anything wrong on their end at all.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

New THG3000 arrived this morning. All set up. 

Speeds still the same and VF telling me it's normal even though 4 others near me achieve over the 900 easily. Like I did with 500.

Apparently my profile is fine. 🙄 Yet as long as I hit 450 it's all fine. That would be nice if I didn't lose over 100mb dl and 200 ul.

Currently awaiting a manager call me back from the experts team. 

If one more person asks why the WiFi booster didn't help or I have slower speeds because I have brick walls. I may just lose my rag. 

Until 3 weeks ago not an issue and now WiFi and ethernet both fluctuate. 

Line apparently fine. 

Ont. Apparently fine. 

Router. Fine. 

So erm. What has changed since the line issue.? 




 After 8 hours on the phone. 14 online chats. 2 executive calls. 1 replaced router via executive office. This has finally happened. 10 consecutive tests ran and all practically the same apart from a meg or so either way.

So much for being quoted 450 on a 900 even after never having gone below 510 on a 500 package. 

An apparently ont reset. A profile check and something else they didn't say. I'm assuming a profile reset and so far. All is finally as it should be with the wired connection and WiFi about 500 to 540 which I am happy with given it isn't a WiFi 6 enabled router. 

Keep calling. Escalating and an email to the CEO office doesn't hurt. Let alone telling them you're leaving. 

I shall monitor it and feed back. 

Thanks for the advice and help. 
