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How can I confirm if i'm connected directly to the exchange or via the FTTC that's in my village?

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi I have had the superfast2 connection for probably a year or more now, and have suffered from the connection not meeting the minimum speeds, as such I've received my guarantee of a percentage off.

Recently I connected a phone to the line, with the work from home theme hitting quite hard.

I've been through a few ADSL filters already, and am seeing some frequent drop outs.


Recently I spoke with one of my friends who works with BT, and they suggested that vodafone should be utilizing the openreach network, and that my village was FTTC enabled.


He mentioned this because the speed and sync i'm getting sounds like i'm still connected to the exchange 3.7km away via basic adsl, and not via the FTTC in the village.


How can I confirm what I'm directly connected to and how do I get my line on the faster more reliable connection in the cabinet in my village?


Not applicable

You need to talk either over the phone, via web chat, or Vodafone support social media and have them check the line statistics - they can query not only the line but also your Vodafone hub - to the extent that they can not only tell if you are connected to the local cabinet but the chipset that cabinet uses!


*Some third-party modem users can query this themselves - but it's not something the VF hub inform customers of!

I've reached out to support, hopefully I hear back from them soon.

Coupled with this speed issue, i also see frequent disconnects, the router seems fine, and i can analyse the logs etc, which clearly show that the connection disconnection and then tries to train and fetch a new address.


While contacting support my connection dropped again, re-establishing at what can only be described as worse than expected speeds, with my upload being fixed at 0.4 mbits/sec, and download at 35mbit/s (not the 55 min guarantee)


Again along side this the details show since reconnect 46k FEC corrections and 61 CRC errors on the upload side.


Typically i don't get the superfast 2 speeds, which i'm really not happy about, but the typical speeds i get are 35 mbits/sec down, 7-8 mbits/sec up.


This upload speed and error list clearly shows an issue, one i really want fixing, along with the general performance of sub par superfast2 speeds.


I'll update this post as I get feedback from support.

Not applicable

Okay, those speeds are definitely connected to a local cabinet, over ADSL you'd be well under 2Mbps at that distance!

Also, I'd not be specifically worried about the FEC corrections, they are corrections and not errors and you are going to get them unless you pretty much sat on top of the cabinet!  Better to have an on the fly FEC correction than a full packet retransmission!

Sure, the connection needs looking at/fixing, but I'd err on it being related to the underlying OpenReach network!

Thanks for the update, makes me feel a bit better :Laughing_Face: