20-10-2024 02:13 AM
Hi. The BattlEye Anti-Cheat ( seems to be classified as an 18+ website, I'm not really sure why that is as it an anti cheat solution that many online games use and requre to connect to. This used to work fairly recently and I am not sure exactly when the lable changed but could this please be reviewed and potentially amended. Thanks :).
21-10-2024 01:14 PM
Hi @Toast-_-. I've raised the URL in question to be reviewed under the reference number INC000005319928. We'll let you know as soon as there's an update, so do keep your eyes peeled.
21-10-2024 06:25 PM
Hi again @Toast-_-. Our Network team have reviewed and reclassified the URL. The team have advised that this may take up to 24 hours to take effect and reach our filters. If you're still experiencing an issue after this time, please clear your browser cache and cookies before trying again.