β31-05-2015 03:58 PM - edited β31-05-2015 03:59 PM
Cortana coming to Android and iOS π
I've used primarily Siri on my iPhone's and iPad and occasionally Cortana on my partners Nokia Lumia 520.
Both have their Pro's and Con's but if pressed I must say Cortana is slightly ahead. The only current downside is that ο£Ώ won't allow Cortana the same amount of freedom on their devices like it has on its native devices. 'Hey Cortana' won't work.
Still I'm excited at this news and am looking forward to its introduction.
Due to House Rules I'm not able to add a link as they hold advertising information too π but a simple Google Search will bring you further in depth information.
Are you ? Will you give it a whirl ?
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy sΒ²β΅ Ultra 512gb.
β01-06-2015 12:10 PM
I had a Windows phone for a short while, but it was fairly basic and didn't support Cortana, so I haven't been able to try it. I have been impressed by Indigo Virtual Assistant, though. This can post to social media, if you give it permission, which was beyond OK Google last time I tried it.
β01-06-2015 12:13 PM
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy sΒ²β΅ Ultra 512gb.
β01-06-2015 03:22 PM
Hi there
I don't really use voice control, so I'm not sure how I got involved with Indigo. It's good though, and even better when you set it to an English voice!