08-09-2016 07:40 PM
Source: idownloadblog
Link > Super Mario run. ~ App-Store-notify-release-date
Excerpt from the link.
"One of the first things to be shown off at Apple’s keynote on Wednesday was the upcoming Super Mario Run game for the iOS platform.
Although no solid release date has yet been announced, apart from “in time for the holidays,” the game is already showing up in the App Store with the ability to set up a notification for launch day.
Nintendo has been hesitant to bring Mario to any platform besides its own for years, but it’s quickly coming into focus for the company on just how important it is to embrace mobile gaming as console and handheld game player sales continue to plummet."
Image courtesy of the link.
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Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512gb.
09-09-2016 07:19 PM
I'm actually looking forward to this. Nintendo always seem to do a good job with their platform stuff. I used to play old NES games on my Nokia N95 years ago via emulator.
I'm also more of an old school Mario fan than the whole Pokemon Go craze!
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