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Moving home

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I am moving tomorrow/Saturday and have been trying for weeks to get hold of Vodafone just for them to say they can’t take the call! I can’t speak to an advisor, I can’t call, so how the hell am I gonna be able to move with my Wifi? I’m going to have to go elsewhere! 


The information to make a complaint @huntersmummy (and our full complaints policy) can be find on our website here.  

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@HappyNomad wrote:

@HappyNomad wrote:

@huntersmummy wrote:

I understand things are busy and it’s a difficult time but I am literally moving in 2 days and I have a 3 year old, our tv only works with Wi-Fi and I will not be able to cope for 30 days without internet and tv for my little one, it’ll drive me up the wall! 

As the normal level of administrative ineptitude is now going to cost you money and unnecessary inconvenience, you may wish to contact the ‘Department of Last Resort For Getting Things Done’… details below:



MOD EDIT: This post has been edited to remove inappropriate content please see Community Guidelines]

A link to a Daily Telegraph article headed:

“Vodafone: how to contact customer services to make a complaint”

Is inappropriate content?   Really?   

Mind you, this sort of moderator imposed censorship is nothing less than I'd have expected.   I wonder why the Telegraph felt it appropriate to publish the article?


I can't see what guideline your original post broke, especially as that link has been posted before without being removed.

However I think you/we may have just broken this one:

Please Don’t:

  • Openly discuss moderation actions that have been taken. If you have a question then please get in touch via private message to the Community Manager.

15: Advanced member
15: Advanced member


I can't see what guideline your original post broke, especially as that link has been posted before without being removed.

However I think you/we may have just broken this one:

Please Don’t:

  • Openly discuss moderation actions that have been taken. If you have a question then please get in touch via private message to the Community Manager.

Grass 😉

I wasn’t really discussing 'moderation actions that have been taken'… more a case of thinking out loud in writing as it were.  

@huntersmummy… really hope you get a good outcome on this thing.



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


They say that every picture tells a story ....

