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Shelly EM Wi-Fi Connection Issue

4: Newbie

Having just migrated my FTTP, BT to Vodafone this week have been re-configuring my mostly Wi-Fi connected Home Assistant devices to the THG3000 Hub.
All successful with one exception, my Shelly EM (energy monitor) which for some reason refuses to connect to the main 2.4Gz Wi-Fi network, device is 2.4Gz only.
Even more strange, I can enable the guest network and it connects perfectly to this using the default "5" subnet?
Could live with this if I could change the guest subnet address to "0" which I use on the main network, changed from the default "1", hub won't permit this.

I have 2, Shelly-1 Relays on the system, these configure perfectly.
I can't believe that the Shelly EM is at fault as:
Connects with the temporary configuration, setup option.
Connects perfectly to the guest network.
Worked without issues on the BT SH-2 previously.

I know it's possible to use a third party router but that would be the last resort for me, just don't want the hassle of obtaining all the configuration details from VF especially as I have retained my digital LL which makes things more complex.

Anyone had similar issues?
Any suggestions appreciated. 


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

We've seen this before a few times. The fix is actually quite simple - let's see if I can explain it simply.

Disable the main wifi. Enable the guest wifi with the main wifi's ssid and password. Connect this Shelly device to the 2.4GHz band. Once it's connected disable the guest wifi and enable the main. Magically everything should connect now.

I've tried to do this from memory - maybe @Cynric has something to add (fill the gaps?)

View solution in original position


@RipshodWith lots of "jiggery-pokery" switching Wi-Fi networks etc pretty much as you suggested have finally got my Shelly-EM to connect to the main network with all parameters again visable within Home Assistant, many thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Yes, the Vodafone THG3000 can certainly be a temperamental device and would probably not be my first choice as a router, if it was not for the hassle involved especially with digital LL phone provision I would likely consider changing.

I did pre-configure all my static IP addresses by MAC on the VF Hub prior to going live, that turned out to be a waste of time as during the initial booting & connection process the FW was updated which wiped everything.
Yes, I did have a saved configuration, however would not restore as the FW version had changed, very frustrating😕