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Vodafone Broadband - Upgrades Failing, CityFibre's Fault?

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


I've tried upgrading my broadband three times recently with Vodafone, each time Vodafone have processed the upgrade normally and sent me a router - I have quite a collection of these now. But each time on go live day, nothing changes. I've been through a complaint process (which has been closed off) but the issue is that on my account which is linked with CityFibre (presuming for my address) there is something flagged as "open" and until CityFibre close this, i will continue to get unsuccessful upgrades. I can't seem to find anyone at Vodafone, that i can speak to about this as CityFibre won't talk to me (they keep telling me to ask Vodafone to ask them) so I'm hoping that here, someone can pick up my case and verify my account with CityFibre and see if they can request closure on whatever is open on their side so i can process a successful upgrade?



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Your account is with vodafone and has absolutely nothing to do with Cityfibre as they're contracted to make the connection by vodafone, so 1 can talk to 2 who in turn can talk to 3, but 1 can't talk to 3.

The fault here is down to Vodafone as they're the only ones who can complete your order. Cityfibre can't close their work order until the work is completed. Again the fault is with vodafone as they should be pushing Cityfibre for completion.

When you make these upgrade orders do you get follow-up emails from vodafone and Cityfibre? If not then the order is failing between vodafone and Cityfibre and Cityfibre should be pushed by vodafone to either complete or flush the outstanding order(s) so a fresh order can be raised and pushed through.

Keep pushing vodafone. They are the only people who can sort this. If this gets cleared make your upgrade order by phone, the agent there is at least in the uk, and can see straight away if there's going to be an issue.

Failing that, vote with your feet - make one final complaint then if that fails you should be able to leave without an early termination fee. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@ThatRobbo wrote:
I've tried upgrading my broadband three times recently with Vodafone,

 Are you currently with Vodafone on FTTC or with another ISP?

Is Vodafone the only ISP using CityFibre at your location?

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Thank you for your reply, I'll keep on at hounding Vodafone.

I'm currently with Vodafone FTTP, there are a bunch of ISPs using CityFibre's network, but Vodafone had the best deal/offer at the time. I've been with them for almost 2 years, and wanted to upgrade from 100 Mb to 900 Mb. I've not been given the full details, but with Vodafone and the upgrade orders - i get all the notifications, the contracts and the agreements. I get the order tracking which gives me a go live for my service and a new Vodafone THG3000 router each time I upgrade. I've done the upgrade three times, once via live chat the other times via the phone.
I put in a complaint which was eventually settled, as Vodafone couldn't confirm when the CityFibre thing would be resolved, so they compensated me with an account credit and fixed my price until the upgrade can be sorted (as from January it'll be more expensive and i can't re-contract/upgrade)
I've never received any confirmations from CityFibre on behalf of Vodafone or as themselves, just dealt with Vodafone only on all occasions. The go live point happens, the order is marked complete but my Vodafone account (online) just retains my old Superfast 100 package and same price, the new router doesn't function when connected either and I'm just left in limbo.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Wow, that is weird.

As you are already using CityFibre I wouldn't have expected them to be involved at all, I would have expected the change of service to happen at the Vodafone end. (but I don't know exactly where the speed is regulated)

I can only suggest raising another complaint, and if they can't resolve it, leave and go elsewhere.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I'm talking to live chat again now about this, and have a complaint running. This is the last chance saloon for Vodafone, upgrade order number 5. I've been talking to live chat and it's hilarious - I've being copied and pasted the wrong script responses, apparently its an OpenReach issue, but when i mentioned i was with CityFibre, i got the same paragraph with the right supplier in it. Well, if this doesn't work I'll be saying goodbye to Vodafone - and so will all the corporate accounts I look after at work.