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Roaming Destinations

4: Newbie

Hi! I'm thinking of taking out a SIM-only deal with Vodafone but I'm confused by the roaming offers.
One of the plans would give me ('Xtra') "inclusive roaming in 83 worldwide destinations" - which is the sort of deal I'm looking for. Where I'm struggling is to find a definitive list of those 83 countries. Zone B covers 47 destinations, Zone C gives 32, whilst Zone D offers 73. Perhaps it's me, but I can't find a permutation that gives me the 83 as per the Xtra description.

Thanks in advance! 👍



14: Advanced member
14: Advanced member

It seems that calls back to UK are included in passes at no added cost, however non UK calls in the same Zone (for example: Netherlands to Netherlands, or France to Spain etc) now incur a 22p fee as well. That’s very very sneaky. Certainly puts me off returning to Vodafone….

Absolutely!! And I am not even on a pass. I'm on what they call 'inclusive' plan. There's no mention of what the new rules for those 'inclusive' plans are, the table only mentions passes and up until February, people on plans like mine won't pay to call numbers in the same country they are roaming in.

You are right, this puts people off and I am pulling my whole account next year as a matter of principle. Changing policy like this and not letting customers know is beyond anything imaginable. 

The most frustrating thing is that they pretend nothing's happened.