29-08-2023 05:19 PM
I am a 16 year old student in Romania. I have realised that in my possesion is an iPhone 5c that is possibly stolen.
I want to get in contact with the owner and supposedly return it. I am on the UK forum as it has an UK sim inside but doesn't seem to be valid anymore. I want to know if there is any information I can add (such as IMEI, IC, FCC ID or the numbers printed on the sim)
Please take this seriously as I do want to get in contact with the owner and discuss on what to do next.
29-08-2023 05:49 PM - edited 29-08-2023 06:01 PM
Due to GDPR data protection @Romanianreturne , Vodafone would be unable to give you any information about the original owner.
If the SIM has been blocked and disconnected the phone will be IMEI blocked and may be the subject of a lost or stolen insurance claim and the phone will now be the property of the insurance company. Also the phone is quite old with the 5C being released September 2013.
Also the SIM not not be a Vodafone UK SIM. Take the phone into a Vodafone Romania store they may be able to give some advise there.
29-08-2023 06:05 PM
I completely understand. Thank you for your time. I just needed to know if there was any way to contact the owner as returning it would be hard, due to the reasons listed.