11-11-2024 09:40 AM
When will we see Vodafone support RCS on iPhone. When we see EE and now three supporting RCS
06-01-2025 12:41 PM
I've got the same question: RCS support for iPhone on Vodafone. Any ideas?
06-01-2025 12:52 PM
I spoke to Vodafone tech support and they have no plans to support RCS on iPhone as they've ditched their own RCS service completely with android users being proxied to google's services. It's a shame.
06-01-2025 12:57 PM
That’s so short sighted of them.
I guess either people migrate away or the merge with Three, they will leverage that RCS service.
06-01-2025 01:32 PM
Yep. It's a shame. Really disappointed with them.