01-02-2021 07:43 AM
Hi, I have avodaphone VFD 700. It says there is a new software update available, 6.0-260FCN1. If I press continue it doesn't seem to start, just stays at 0.0KB out of 774.3 MB, no progess along the bar , 0% done. My WIFI is working Ok, I did try shut down and restart. I have 1.5 GB free on the phone. Any idea how to start this update ? My phone has been running slowly for a few weeks, I hoped this might solve the problem. Or is it stuck in a loop trying to update, which is making it slow ? I did have a long chat with vodaphone support, they suggested all the above checks, but couldn't fix it. Thanks very much
01-02-2021 12:42 PM
Hi @scains25
How big is the update file ?
I notice you say “ I have 1.5 GB free on the phone. ” which normally should be ample.
Try clearing up ram and close any open apps to provide all the resources you can.
Remove any applicable sd card.
If you have enough mobile data allowance then try the update not using Wi-Fi but mobile data instead.
As a very last resort back up and factory reset which may kick start the update.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
01-02-2021 03:21 PM
Hi, is there anyone here from vodaphone manufacturer customer support who can help please ?
The update is only 778 MB, so I have twice enough space. The only card in my phone is the sim card, I think that has to stay in. My mobile signal is poor here, and I don't want to pay for 778 MB on pay as you go. I guess factory settings will lose all my apps, files, photos etc so not good either. The update number is 6.0-260FCN1. Has anyone else had problems with this one ? I don't know if it is a vital update. My phone has been running slowly for a few weeks so I was hoping the update would help. Thanks.
01-02-2021 03:51 PM
Bear in mind that the update will require a fair amount of working space. I've done them with a similar amount of headroom, so it isn't necessarily impossible, but the first step would be to try to clear some space.
Start by uninstalling any apps you don't use much, or which don't have stored data you don't want to lose - you can put them back later. Then go into Settings|Storage and tap on Internal and look for Clear Cache. A factory reset would be very mcuh a last resort and shouldn't be necessary, I think.
If it still doesn't work, the next step is to remove any content (photos, music etc) you don't want or - perhaps better - transfer it to a memory card.
I doubt wifi is a problem of itself - as long as you can download, stream etc, it should be fine.
02-02-2021 04:01 PM
Hi thanks, my old phone doesn't have an internal option under settings. I have been using the clean app to clear out all the unwanted space.
03-02-2021 12:52 PM
Ah, I didn't realise you weren't in the UK. This forum is specifically for Vodafone UK - each country's network is a separate entity. I still think it's unlikely you'll get any updates for a device from 2016, though and that it's probably best to ignore the notification and stop hoping for anything to happen.
03-02-2021 08:14 PM
OK thank you for the advice, so I have switched off the automatic updates, I will just check manually if there is anything to update.
12-07-2022 10:15 PM - edited 12-07-2022 10:16 PM
Hi @scains25
Even if the progress bar says "0/%" or "0kB", the update is still downloading. I think there is a bug with the progress bar.
Also, your phone is slow because it's a 2016 phone, I mean come on it's 2022. Last but not least, you should definitely do a factory reset as other people suggested.