06-01-2015 12:35 PM
2014 was a great year for Motorola. Not only did they release a number of great phones, including the award winning Moto G range, they also entered the wearable market with the visually stunning Moto 360.
Now that we are into 2015, it’s time to look forward to the future and what these industry veterans have planned. Our blog recently caught up with Motorola’s Nick Muir for a chat. They cover both the amazing year that was as well as discussing what’s in the pipeline. Have a read of the full article here.
What do you think about Motorola? Have you been impressed with their releases from 2014 or are you excited for what they bring out in 2015? Let us know in the comments.
16-01-2015 02:18 PM
I've had a number of different smartphones (HTC Desire / Samsung S3 / LG Nexus being the latest) with Vodafone for 12 years now - starting with the Ericcson R380 (Google it youngsters - now THAT was a huge technoloical jump!).
And I can honestly say the N6 is the best phone I've had in terms of spec's , OS usability etc, and the one which feels like the biggest 'jump' foe me since the R380. It's the phone Google have been aiming to make for a good few years now - high end, stock andriod, no compromises. All of the lagging / crashing apps you associate with heavily utilised smartphones has disappeared. The screen and camera are excellent and the big screen has been a plus rather than a minus. Android 5 has been a big improvement on kitkat which itself was a big improvement on Jelly Bean. I would also say that just having stock Android rather than one modified by HTC or Samsung is something I could never give up. The amount of 'bloat' on the Desire and especially the S3 have put me off going back to modified android for life.
Also I was one of the lucky 500 who got the moto 360 as part of the bundle - I'm still getting used to it but the instant notifications, as well as the built in fitness monitor and GPS have been a real eye opener. I'm looking forward to seeing what developers can do with it over the coming year.