Hi Lee,
They have stopped using the service now so no point requesting any enhancements on their behalf, though it might help me get a signal on my phone when I'm there! I just thought it might save trouble all round if people were more aware of the limitations of the service and what it is best suited to up front.
We use the very same service here at work for laptop users when they're on the move and they work fine for that purpose, it's a good service ... but ... if folks are being given the impression that it's a viable alternative to fixed dial up or broadband (as I was) without understanding the likely limitations then you are going to have more disgruntled customers -- which I suspect must be nearly as frustrating for you folks as it is for them. It is not clear anywhere that voice traffic gets priority (indeed it took me a lot of effort to finally confirm my suspicions on that score as no-one seemed willing to admit it) and that is something that is bound to cause issues if you're attempting to use the service somewhere that has capacity issues at certain times of the day. I think it's then somewhat disingenuous for vendors (I am sure it's not just Vf) to say "well, it's a mobile service", after all if mobile phones didn't work at all between 4 and 7pm or whatever I don't think that would be considered acceptable.
More responsible selling and better setting of expectations would surely result in more satisfied customers and less angry ones. It's very short-term thinking to sell a service to customers who will leave and never come back, even if you do get 18 months of money out of them.
N.B. You folks on this forum are the main difference between Vf and the other service providers and are the reason I stick with Vodafone despite some of the issues I've had.