10-09-2012 10:13 PM
Any Mobile BB Gadgets use Micro Sims?
i ask as i woulsnt mind piggy backing the SIM i get for a dongle i need and being able to use it in my iPad at weekends...
is this possible?
If not, can i get a Micro Sim for my dongle and a normal sized sim holder to put this micro sim in when i use it with my Dongle?
11-09-2012 08:01 AM
can i buy a Mobile Broadband dongle and request it comes with a Micro Sim?
or do i need a plan that comes with a Micro Sim?
12-09-2012 12:04 PM
Hi mumbles27,
The dongles come with a standard SIM only.
A data MicroSIM would need to be ordered either as part of a SIM only contract or as a free PAYG SIM card for you to top up as needed.