13-09-2017 10:26 PM - edited 13-09-2017 10:29 PM
Hi there,
I recently switched over to Vodafone's broadband when I was previously on Sky's standard unlimited package. I was estimated on the 76 Mbps fibre package a minimum download speed of 40Mbps and on the standard 17 Mbps one a minimum speed of 7.67 Mbps so I thought the 38 Fibre package would be a reasonable improvement, with Sky I was generally on a constant 10Mbps on most devices which wasn't bad but I thought I may as well try and get more for my money as Sky started to get a bit expensive.
My Vodafone service went active last Tuesday and since then my speeds have been, well, woeful. In the mornings my speeds are pretty top notch, I get around 30 Mbps on speed tests but in the evenings my speeds are dire - this evening my speed dropped into Kbps... And that's on a wired connection! Attached with this is an image of my PS4 connection speed this evening.
PS4 Speed - 13/09/2017
You may be able to argue that evenings are peak times and ergo hindered by congestion or I am still within the first 10 days of my service so the line is being tested and checked but even with this I should under no circumstances be getting speeds this appalingly bad. On Sky at peak times, as I said, my internet speed never dropped an inch, was always on a solid 10Mbps which for a standard phone line isn't anything to be annoyed with, but now on Fibre I'm getting LESS than 1Mbps some evenings... that IS NOT acceptable. I live in a city centre, not far from the exchange either, so surely Vodafone should have adequete bandwith to cope with peak times.
Does anyone know of any reasonable explanation as to why my speeds are so based or anything I can do to speed it up? I am using wired connections, my router is in the master socket... I can't think of anything else I can do short of contacting Vodafone and complaining til I can either get out of my contract or they fix the issue. I'm prepared to wait a bit to see if it settles at all but generally I am feeling very disappointed with what I have so far.
20-09-2017 08:45 AM
Hi @bigad1992
That does sound unusual.
Just to rule out an issue with the faceplate of your mastersocket, we'll need you to complete a small test. Please unscrew or unclip the faceplate from your mastersocket. There'll be a test socket inside, please plug your router directly into there and complete a speed test.
You can try this at the same time that you were previously having issues if you wish. Please pop a screenshot of the results to us.
20-09-2017 02:27 PM
The PS4 issue is almost certainly a Sony issue. The PSN network is known to be terrible and you should NEVER use this as an exmaple of a poor connection.
I'm on an "up to 76mb" connection right now, the router tells me I'm connecting at 79mb - and the majority of Speed Test sites will confirm this. Tests from the PS4 however would give you the impression I'm on ADSL.
Pick one of the trusted Speed Test websites and complete the test against the same server at different times throughout the day, if at all possible this should be via a wired connection because WiFi is, generally, rubbish - wired is th eonly real way of confirming if there is a connection issue.
Also note you're only a week in, end of this week should see the training period over and once again you might want to repeat the Speed Tests after this date - but again, don't use the PS4 as your test, it will lie, blame your connection when it's the PSN at fault.
20-09-2017 02:36 PM
Have spoken to Vodafone technical support - they have been very helpful and supportive, very good service.
The issue is that the exchange I am on is over-subscribed so at peak times there is not enough banwidth to go around leading to such slow speeds (they admitted themselves that getting 1 to 2Mbps in the evenings was atrocious). They have told me a new line is set to go in on w/c 25th Sepetember and then customers will be swapped over w/c 2nd October, so the issues should hopefully be resolved by 9th October. They are also arranging a follow-up call after this date to check everything is better. 5 other people in my area also made complaints so they are addressing the issue as a matter of urgency.
Great service really, if a little silly they allowed it to become over-subscribed in the first place. Quite happy, just gotta wait 2-3 weeks now for my normal speeds