14-11-2016 11:24 AM
I signed up for Broadband 76 which went live November 1st, I was moving from TT, my speeds were great up till the weekend just gone, 73mb download and 18 mb upload and the PING was 17. Even though the ping with TalkTalk was around 12 with only a 32mb package I accept the vodafone ping at 17 accetable, that is until the weekend.
On the weekend my connection crashed, the dowload speed was 2mb and my ping was around 500, I did try to phone during this problem, held on the line for 30 mins and then gave up.
An hour later the speed came back, but the ping now sits at 30 which is really not on for a 76 mb connection. If your a gamer try another provider as a ping of 30 will put you at a serious dissadvantage, this is because you can add another 10 onto that ping with the gamer server you use, lets say BF1 the minunum I get is a ping of 44.
I phoned today and the guy on the phone asked tech about the problem and was told that it is within the acceptiable limits, I would agree if this was 10 years ago.
So this serves as a warning, it seems Vodafone want you to be impressed for the first couple of weeks with your broadband, then they take it away...
15-11-2016 07:35 PM
If you get in touch with our dedicated Broadband Live Chat team, they'll be more than happy to look into this for you.
15-11-2016 07:38 PM
Hi there, I already talked to your broadband team on the phone as mentioned in my original post, they claim the PING was within acceptable limits lol... geez...