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Bluetooth in Car not working since Samsung S4 update

4: Newbie

So my Samsung S4 Galaxy Bluetooth has worked seemlessly with the integrated Bluetooth in my car since I got my phone a year ago. Just recently my phone stopped sending MMS (picture messages) so the Vodafone store told me to do a factory reset as it has something to do with a OS update.

I did the factory reset on the phone (which now sends MMS) but from that very moment my phone will not function correctly with the Bluetooth in my car.

Frustratingly, it connects perfectly as before even showing call logs and phone book as before but the very second I make or receive a call, the Bluetooth connection is dropped and the car displays 'No Bluetooth link'.

Furthermore, my wife has a Samsung S3 Mini which has also just stopped sending MMS but we chose not to do the factory reset on hers, and it connects fine to the car just as it always has, and it functions fine for her on both incoming and outgoing calls.

So it looks like there has been a series of OS updates, one of which will prevent MMS messages being sent, but should you then do a factory reset to get this facility back, you will lose In Car Bluetooth compatibility - really sucks, unless anyone else has any suggestions?


Well, the comedy of errors goes on!

I was right to be doubtful and concerned on Thursday morning.

This time I called the store on Friday afternoon to again be told there is no sign of my phone. In fact there was no record of it, nobody knew where it was, when it was sent, in fact there was no paperwork whatsoever - my phone was somewhere but nobody had a clue where and when it would be back!!

I gave the name of the store employee who had taken my phone and was told he'd been off sick for a few days, the store would contact him and call me back. To their credit they did.

They had found my phone in the employees draw - it hasn't been sent off yet, and now that it was Friday afternoon it won't go anywhere until Monday, close on 2 weeks since I took it in to be repaired - WhyMe?!

The still have no replacment phones they can offer me.

I continue to receive the most appaling service and it truly is a cataolgue of errors that you couldn't make up.

I did try the LiveChat today, they have out notes on my file, compensation will be looked at once the matter is resolved but I JUST WANT A WORKING PHONE (preferably mine or a replacement S4!)

If a Vodafone tech person can point me in the direction of the formal complaint procedure I'd be grateful. I understand I need Vodafone to send me a link in order for my complaint to go through to the right team.

So here I am three weeks after the store employee broke my phone, still struggling on, still no further forward.

I'll keep you updated as to what incompetence befalls me next - exasperated. 

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @WhyMe 


I’ve sent you a private message, so we can look into this for you.





Thank you for your intervention - Private Message with details sent as instructed.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @WhyMe,


Send us the reference number you received in your auto reply (it looks like #912345) and we'll ensure it's in our inbox.






Hi Rodney,


The auto reply Ref is #9431583.


Thanks, Paul

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @WhyMe ,


We have your email in our queue. We'll be in touch as soon as we reach it.




Thanks for acknowledging. Please ensure this is treated as a complaint and please help me get my phone back.

Was I mistaken in thinking you 'aim to respond within 48 hrs'?, as it has now been longer than that.

I have been very patient and respectful throughout and I am rapidly approaching the one month period since Vodafone broke my phone and I still don't have it back and I haven't yet had anyone actually look at, and respond to my complaint. 

Please don't send me round and round in circles.

I received an automated text today from Vodafone to say they've received my phone for repair - H'rah, exactly two weeks after handing it in at my Vodafone store it has arrived at the repair centre!

Helpfully I am given the opportunity to track the progress of my repair all I need is my phone number (yep - got that, & a job number - nope, never given that or any paperwork or anything) however as I was never given a job number I can not do this. 

Can a Vodafone Tech expert please tell me how I might be able to track my repair please?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)



We'll be able to provide the tracking number through email.


I can see we've received your email in to us and we'll be in touch shortly.



So what are the expected response times for Vodafone??

I only ask as today is the one month anniversary since Vodafone broke my phone.

It is now 31 days since I had a fullt functioning phone.

It is now 17 days since I handed my phone in for repair.

It is now 6 days since I replied to the Vodafone Care Team who will investigate my complaint.


But to date I still have not had anyone from Vodafone say sorry, or offer any real help or solution, or a replacement phone, or compensation. I'm beginning to wonder if the Care Team is just another big ruse.


I have three contract phones under my contract and two PAYG phones and have been a customer for 20 years but Vodafone customer service and response times are really testing my patience.


Is there anyone from Vodafone out there who can give me an indication as to when I might expect to have my phone returned and when I may receive a personal response please? (You will see that I can't even track my own fault repair UNTIL Vodafone give me a job reference which they can't do UNTIL my Complaint makes it to the top of the work queue).