17-01-2015 02:40 PM
So my Samsung S4 Galaxy Bluetooth has worked seemlessly with the integrated Bluetooth in my car since I got my phone a year ago. Just recently my phone stopped sending MMS (picture messages) so the Vodafone store told me to do a factory reset as it has something to do with a OS update.
I did the factory reset on the phone (which now sends MMS) but from that very moment my phone will not function correctly with the Bluetooth in my car.
Frustratingly, it connects perfectly as before even showing call logs and phone book as before but the very second I make or receive a call, the Bluetooth connection is dropped and the car displays 'No Bluetooth link'.
Furthermore, my wife has a Samsung S3 Mini which has also just stopped sending MMS but we chose not to do the factory reset on hers, and it connects fine to the car just as it always has, and it functions fine for her on both incoming and outgoing calls.
So it looks like there has been a series of OS updates, one of which will prevent MMS messages being sent, but should you then do a factory reset to get this facility back, you will lose In Car Bluetooth compatibility - really sucks, unless anyone else has any suggestions?
01:13 PM
- last edited on
02:40 PM
(removed according to House Rules)
I've just had am email response to my Complaint.
Apparently the Repair centre tried to call me on the 12th Feb (which they didn't), they left me a voicemail (which they haven't) but get this.......the response simply says that because my screen has a slight crack in one corner (which it does) there is a charge of £120 to replace the screen...........and that's it!! No mention of the reflash or the issues I've experienced. The respondent hasn't taken the time to read this thread. I really can not believe this is happening.
I am FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!
I've phoned the repair centre, they said I need to speak to customer services so they put me through there, they then put me through to the repair centre who then put me back to the customer services and at that point I gave up.
Vodafone you are outrageously incompetent. I shall be taking this to the Ombudsman and cancelling my contract. Your level of incompetence leaves me truly speechless.
16-02-2015 03:01 PM
A simple analagy to help the Vodafone eforum staff.
If Fords damaged your CD/Radio during a routine service you would expect them to repair or replace it. You would be incredulous if Fords told you they wouldn't fix your stereo until you'd bought a new set of tyres from them as they were wearing low. - I hope that helps.
So..I need a letter of deadlock in order to escalate this to the Ombudsman. Therefore I will set out what I want from Vodafone right now.
I want either my original phone returned to me working in the condition it was in before your store rep broke it. Failing this I will settle for a replacement. Having waited 32 days I now want this within one week.
In addition I want £100 to cover the costs of all my trips into the store plus car parking, plus the fact I haven't had my S4 for over a month, plus the calls to the repair centre and customer services.
Anything less than this is unacceptable and I formally request your final response and a deadlock letter if you can not meet my expectations.
16-02-2015 03:05 PM
We've recently edited a post in this thread as it breached our House Rules. Whilst we encourage conversation within the community, there are certain rules everyone must follow. This ensures the forum remains suitable for everyone, as well as being free from excess clutter.
The person whose post has been edited has been contacted privately.
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16-02-2015 03:12 PM
I was careful not to use profanity but I see you didn't like the phrase I used - fair enough.
This highlights how quick off the mark you are to moderate a post yet it's a pity you do not apply the same speed & enthusiasm to actually help a client and resolve the issue - Priorities appear to be misplaced.
You will gather that I am now somewhat disgruntled.....
16-02-2015 03:23 PM
Hi @WhyMe,
We moderate posts into a work queue. This ensures all posts are logged and any breaches of the House Rules, swiftly removed.
It also enables us to respond to you quicker.
If you're unhappy with the charge, you'd need to dispute this via email as we can't discuss the account on the eForum.
20-02-2015 01:10 PM
Hi Matt,
I did as you said and disputed the charge by replying to the email on the 16th Feb but unsurprisingly I have heard nothing more since.
The store worker who has been helping me has requested the phone be returned to the store. The store manager refuses to help, he misy have been off sick on the day of the Vodafone customer services training. The store worker told me he is embarrassed and ashamed and has recommended I continue down the complaint route and / or small claims (now known as Money Claim Online).
If there is a grown up anywhere in Vodafone that can take a look at the series of events and have a positive input I'd be grateful but from what has been demonstarted so far by Vodafone I won't hold my breath.
You will no doubt be aware that the consumer has a legal right to be put back into the position that they were in before Vodafone broke my phone?
If nobody there can grasp this concept then I'm sure the Money Claim Online magistrates will.
Wearily me...
20-02-2015 12:40 PM
Yep, you & I and the rest of the world know this but the manager John just doesn't see it as his problem. The store worker who has tried to assist me has told me he is embarrassed and ashamed and has encouraged me to complain or go to the courts.
At Vodafone they seem to have an inverted employment structure so as the more stupid, ignorant and unhelpful people get promoted into positions of responsibility whereas helpful shop floor workers are not.
It really truly is a staggering tale that I hope to be able to take to the media in due course.
21-02-2015 01:34 PM
Hi hrym,
Vodafone have still not offered any solution & stare at me blankly when I mention a reflash but I was able to ask the one helpful store worker to try this for me when I last spoke with them on the phone.
Can you help me to help Vodafone store workers as to what a reflash is and exactly how they will need to do it please so that I can explain it to them when I go in next week.
After all, this one and only sensible suggestion may even remedy the whole problem yet still nobody has volunteered to do this.
22-02-2015 02:29 PM
Hi @WhyMe
I can see we've replied to your email yesterday. If you need to find out more about our escalation process, please see our Codes of Practice.
22-02-2015 03:11 PM - edited 22-02-2015 03:13 PM
Hi @hrym and Vodafone Tech Experts,
Yes, I have received a response from Vodafone late yesterday evening but can anyone confirm what is involved in a reflash please?
Is it a case of my phone being connected to a piece of kit it the store which will reset everthing and doesn't take very long?
It will be ironic but a great relief if this does actually correct the fault particularly as it was recommended near the beginning of this thread but it still hasn't been tried yet.
If it is a store based procedure I shall go in next week and try that and keep my fingers crossed.