12:52 PM
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01:09 PM
Post Title: 'First half of post code - Area' e.g. ST1 – Stoke-on-Trent
1) Does the issue happen in just one location? If so, how far do you have to travel to regain service?
Just seen in CV35 so far.
2) What is the full postcode (e.g. ST1 1AA) of where the issue occurs? If you don't want this showing on the eForum, add it to your profile here.
CV35 0RR
3) Does the issue occur if you try your SIM card in a different phone?
Can't test this yet.
4) What errors are seen or heard when the issue occurs?
No errors, just no data connectivity in 4G. The 4G symbol is shown with 2 bars, but the data doesn't work, i.e. no webpage loads no speedtests work. Using 3G does work though. I have seen this issue today for last 3 hours.
5) Does this happen on 2G, 3G, 4G or all?
Only 4G so far. Not on 3G. Not tested 2G. Only on mobile data.
6) When did you first notice this issue?
3 Hours ago.
7) Is the issue permanent or intermittent? If intermittent, are there certain times of the day when it occurs?
Permanent so far, for last few hours.
Using a Galaxy Note 3.
03-04-2017 04:22 PM
@andehh Without timed examples and knowing specific mobile numbers affected, we'd be unable to look into the history of the site, however as mentioned before, your local serving site for that area is performing correctly.
Looking at the area that you're having these intermittent issues, this could be down to a number of factors, such as a high volume of traffic on the network or even environmental factors.
As previously stated, any planned maintenance in the area will show on our network status checker.
20-07-2017 05:44 PM
1) Does the issue happen in just one location? If so, how far do you have to travel to regain service?
One location - but it's also rubbish in CV37 (Stratford Upon Avon) and B50 (Alcester / Bidford on Avon)
It's fine when you are in London or Leeds or Manchester and improves if you go into Leamington Spa or even a few miles down the M40.
2) What is the full postcode (e.g. ST1 1AA) of where the issue occurs? If you don't want this showing on the Community, add it to your profile here.
CV35 Barford towards the M40
3) Does the issue occur if you try your SIM card in a different phone?
Can't try it in another phone but other family members on EE and Tesco can get 4G
4) What errors are seen or heard when the issue occurs?
No errors, just switches between 2-3 dots of 3G then E then GPRS then "No Service" It's just rubbish unless I have the SureSignal service going - which is dependent on my internet provider, of course. Not your service.
5) Does this happen on 2G, 3G, 4G or all?
Only get up to a bit of 3G - the coverage map suggests a good 4G service inside and out. Never even see a whiff of 4G here. I can get 4G when I am in London. Not very helpful when I am not.
6) When did you first notice this issue?
It's been apparent since we moved in a couple of months ago - that's why I shelled out for the SureSignal gizmo - which, incidentally, appears to get very hot. Is that normal?
7) Is the issue permanent or intermittent? If intermittent, are there certain times of the day when it occurs?
It's rubbish all the time.
Intermittently it gets worse.
Even when there is 3G it's very unreliable. If I cannot use the SureSignal (like today when BT were repairing lines) it's virtually impossibe to get any meaningful service for any length of time. So, when I am speaking to people on calls they are constantly saying to me that they only get a garbled connection - and ask if they can phone me on a land line. Welcome to 21st century UK and the internet age (if you live in a big city where the money is invested)
21-07-2017 01:57 PM
@nrkemp I’ve checked the postcode registered in your profile.
Your 3G and 4G coverage is patchy and mostly available outdoors. 2G is also a little patchy, but you should still be able to use this indoors.
If you change your phone's network setting to 2G only, this should improve things for calls and texts. Alternatively, your Sure Signal at home will provide you with 3G.
For help with any Sure Signal issues, check out our troubleshooting guide.
If you’d like us to look into any other areas where you’re experiencing issues, please provide the full postcodes of where the issue occurs.
You can also visit your nearest store, where our advisers will be happy to test your SIM in another phone.
21-07-2017 02:50 PM
4G patchy?
it's non-existent.
3G is patchy (and unreliable)
2G is rubbish and very patchy.
Practically unusable as I can't hold any conversation for very long.
btw 4G working fine in London for me today. Just not from where I live.
The Suresignal device I was forced to purchase (because 2G and 3G are so poor) is dependent on my ISP - that's MY ISP service. Isn't that just another way of saying you can't be bothered to invest in the infrastructure for rural communities?
In conclusion, you are telling me to **** *** as you're not prepared to do anything about it.
19-09-2017 12:12 PM
1) Does the issue happen in just one location? If so, how far do you have to travel to regain service?
Seems to only be in this area. Get a good 4G connection at home (B50) with speeds of 37.5Mbps download.
2) What is the full postcode: CV35 0DB
3) Does the issue occur if you try your SIM card in a different phone? Yes
4) What errors are seen or heard when the issue occurs? Nothing visual or audible.
Issue is I have 3-4bar 4G signal, but data is SLOW!
With speeds tests the folowing has been logged:
6th Sept @10.09 - 0.42Mbps (0.1 Upload / 40ms Ping )
7th Sept @09.05 - 0.5Mbps (0 Upload / 66ms Ping )
8th Sept @08.59 - 0.73Mbps (3.53 Upload / 67ms Ping )
12th Sept @12.17 - 0.4Mbps (3.28 Upload / 39ms Ping )
19th Sept @11.51 - 0.62Mbps (2.46 Upload / 38ms Ping )
5) Does this happen on 2G, 3G, 4G or all? 4G with 3-4 bar signal
6) When did you first notice this issue? Few weeks ago
7) Is the issue permanent or intermittent? If intermittent, are there certain times of the day when it occurs? Permanent
19-09-2017 05:44 PM
Hi @wernert, so we can investigate this further for you I've sent you a private message with details to contact our team.
25-09-2017 11:06 AM
@wernert I've been in contact with our Network engineers and they've informed me that they've made some changes to your local serving site, to try and improve the 4G speeds.
Can you please let us know if you've seen any improvement in coverage since 21 September 2017 and I'll feed this back to them, as this will assist in their investigation.
25-09-2017 12:17 PM
Still having the same issue. Below are some speed tests carried out.
21st Sept @ 11.56 - 0.88Mbps (6.25Mbps Upload / 39ms Ping)
25th Sept @ 07.33 - 9.79Mbps (11.83Mbps Upload / 36ms Ping)
25th Sept @ 09.00 - 0.65Mbps (6.11Mbps Upload / 36ms Ping)
25th Sept @12.11 - 0.40Mbps (1.04Mbps Uplaod / 35ms Ping)
As mentioned in the data sent to Vodafone, it seems the network is suffering over utilisation as the speeds early morning are OK (Before most people get into office) but then quickly deteriorate once within working hours.
26-09-2017 10:24 AM
@wernert Thanks for getting back to me 🙂
Our Network engineer who's looking after your case has seen your response and has used the information you've provided to continue their investigation under INC3100899.
Once we have another update, we'll update this thread.
29-09-2017 08:19 AM
Good Morning,
I have done a series of further speed tests and with some confidence can say it seems the issue is due to over utilisation of the local antenna.
Speed updates below:
26th Sept @ 08.27- 1.02Mbps (2.77Mbps Upload / 31ms Ping)
26th Sept @ 15.27 - 1.46Mbps (5.80Mbps Upload / 57ms Ping)
27th Sept @ 07.34 - 2.40Mbps (9.31Mbps Upload / 43ms Ping)
27th Sept @ 13.05 - 0.64Mbps (5.17Mbps Upload / 48ms Ping)
28th Sept @ 12.16 - 0.57Mbps (5.42Mbps Upload / 68ms Ping)
To further confirm, I carried out several tests today as the morning proceeded (And employees turn up to work).
29th Sept @ 06.27 - 35.29Mbps (10.38Mbps Upload / 34ms Ping)
29th Sept @ 07.20 - 7.03Mbps (4.48Mbps Upload / 42ms Ping)
29th Sept @ 07.30 - 3.25Mbps (12.29Mbps Upload / 34ms Ping)
29th Sept @ 07.40 - 2.34Mbps (6.35Mbps Upload / 30ms Ping)
29th Sept @ 07.50 - 3.81Mbps (5.65Mbps Upload / 30ms Ping)
29th Sept @ 08.00 - 1.73Mbps (4.76Mbps Upload / 43ms Ping)