24-09-2014 10:34 PM
24-09-2014 11:32 PM
25-09-2014 09:31 AM
The battery is supplied as part of the phone so should be covered under the manufacturers 12 month standard warantee or guarantee, as should be the cables and charger, everything that was in the box when you had it. It has been wideley reported that batteries have been getting hot, distorting and in some instances catching light so you have a strong case for a free replacement, you can try and get one from where you purchased it or the Vodafone store you got it but they will probably try and fob you off by telling you that it is the responsability of Samsung which is rubbish, it's the retailers responsability as the supplier/seller to put it right. Keep a written record of when the problem started and make sure that you have the receipt for the phone showing the date of purchase as proof of its age. DO NOT give the phone to Vodafone to 'repair', you may never get it back!, if no-one will supply you a new battery buy one from eBay, they're cheap enough and reliable despite anyone telling you to 'use genuine', that's a myth as it's a sales ploy by the manufacturers to get you to buy their product, all the batteries have to comply to a standard so in general there is no difference in fact, a battery that does not carry the 'original' manufacturers name is less likeley to be a 'fake' in my experience.
25-09-2014 10:26 PM
@froggerty wrote:The battery is supplied as part of the phone so should be covered under the manufacturers 12 month standard warantee or guarantee,
Not always, often batteries are covered for a different period than the phone they come it. For example Samsung themselves only give a 6 month warranty on the batteries that come with their handsets. The reason for this is that a battery is a wear and tear item.
To the OP - I personally would go to the nearest Samsung Repair Centre. When I had an issue with the battery on my S4, they were really good - they checked the handset over to make sure it wasn't a hardware fault and provided me with a replacement battery.
You are more than welcome to take the phone to a Vodafone store and see if they have any replacement batteries, but it is more likely that a Samsung Repair Centre will have stock.
28-09-2014 04:19 PM
28-09-2014 07:16 PM
All very well saying that Vodafone won't replace the battery but if you don't ask you'll never know! I f they won't replace it try the manufacturer.
29-09-2014 02:51 PM - edited 29-09-2014 04:48 PM
My guess is that, when the faulty battery issue came up and Vodafone were handing out replacements a) they indemnified by Samsung and b) they had stock of the relevant ones.
Because replacements batteries aren't in heavy demand and come in so many different types, they tend not to be widely stocked in the retail channel. The manufacturer is the most reliable place to go if you want one quickly. Or you can buy one online and see if you can get a refund. Exepct to pay around £10, which isn't the end of the world if you do land up funding it yourself and at least you'll have a working phone within a couple of days.
25-09-2014 04:01 PM
The simple answer is: yes, probably. There was a known issue with some Samsung batteries and both they and Vodafone were supplying replacements. That was some time ago and I'm not sure whether Vodafone still are (it would depend on their warranty agreement with Samsung). There does seem to have been a later revival of the issue, possibly do to phones which are used less and therefore took longer to show up.
Because retailers don't keep a large stock of batteries (too many variants and not enough demand), you may have more success going direct to Samsung - look on the Support tab of their UK website. If all else fails and it's urgent, I'd buy one myself (if you pay around £10 you stand a reaonable chance of getting a genuine or at least reliable one) and asking for the cost back. In the past, both Samsung and Vodafone were refunding. In the (I think unlikely) event that you can't get a refund, at least it's only a tenenr and you have a working phone.
Just one thing: don't allow your battery to go flat (if you have been). That'll shorten its life considerably.
25-09-2014 06:10 PM
Once again, it's Vodafone that has the responsability to supply you a new replacement battery under warantee and if they don't have one in store in stock then it's their place to get one from Samsung, not yours. But buy one from eBay in the mean time to tide you over, you'll then have a spare when Vodafone has replaced your faulty one, a spare is always handy.
26-09-2014 01:33 PM - edited 26-09-2014 01:34 PM
Hi RebeccaMcCarthy,
There's been some great advice here.
We'll be happy to take a look, just take a look at our Vodafone Repairs Thread. This can be found here.