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Charges Question

Not applicable
Hi, I have read this and other forums trying to find an answer to the problem I have.

I recently bought the 3g mobile broadband dongle and am finding the balance of my credit is a long way off what I am expecting during internet sessions.

Some calcuations:

£15 for 1024 megs = 1500/1024 = approx 1.47 megs per penny

This is the approximate amount I expect to see taken from my account as I surf, play online games etc.

Before it is said, I have turned Windows Update off and disabled my virus checker and all other programs which could be accessing the internet. I am also monitoring my connections using netstat to make sure nothing is slipping through the net. I have no trojans or other such nasties on my machine. There is therefore no background traffic.

I am aware that the bandwidth checker in the VMC application is not fully accurate so I also have DU Meter and Netmeter running as backups. These also show no background traffic unless I am actively doing something with my connection.

Why is it then that after an hour and a half of surfing, and a little World of Warcraft have I spent 17p yet my metering applications say I have used less than 10mb (including on this occassion VMC)? My calculations say that should be closer to 7p.

This is not a one-off. I have had the dongle for over a week now and have used it on multiple machines and operating systems only to see the same discrepancy between what is being charged for and what is being used.

It may be only pennies, but it all adds up and I am feeling a little conned if I'm honest as I'm being charged more than double for my bandwidth.

Could a techie from Vodafone please comment? Please feel free to be as technical as you like as I will understand what you are saying. Is is packet loss due to a poor connection (I usually hover between very poor and poor with my 3G signal)? Pings don't seem to drop packets. Something to do with being charged per packet whatever the size of the packet happens to be? I would really like to get to the bottom of this.

Despite this problem, I think it is a fantastic bit of kit - very fast and stable even with the signal I get.

(in case anyone is interested in how I 'only' used 10mb in an hour and a half, I use Opera-Mini for the desktop which considerably decreases the amount you download when surfing. Most of that was actually used by WoW and a one-off download)

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi arn0a1,

Welcome to our great and friendly forum.

You've certainly come to the right place for help as there's a few WoW fans around our office (myself included). :D

The reason why you may find a discrepancy is due to the data calulator found within the Vodafone Mobile Connect (VMC) is an approximate guide to usage as apposed to a KB for KB representation. This means that sadly you won't be able to calculate an exact figure.

What you've mentioned in regards to the connection and signal could also be a factor. You could try and overcome this by changing your signal mode to 3G only. This could improve your connectivity. You can change this by going into your tools/settings > select network and choose 3G only.

Sadly there's nothing further I can advise, however would advise to maybe consider looking at mobile broadband for contract as our 3G and 5G packages will give you peace of mind, especially when using WoW as it's a very data heavy game and you don't want to miss out on playing- I sure wouldn't. ;)

Whilst you're an active online user I would also recommend having your content control bar removed so you don't have any restrictions on the sites you visit.

All the best,

eForum Team

4: Newbie
Hi arn0a1,I use Payg as well and often keep a eye on my usage and the cost,I have found that the closest way to work it out is as follows.
1.Each mb is calulated at roughly 1.5p
2.Each hour you spend surfing costs 2p
I worked this out from putting £15 credit on which gave me £15.26.I then surfed and downloaded for 15 hours and 30 mins and used a total of 198mb.Credit left £11.98.
Used Mb=198.Cost=£2.97 (198+99=297)
Hours On=15h30mins.Cost=31p
Try using these calculations on your usage see if it comes in closer to what you expect.
I am only guessing at the 2p per hour cost but like you I monitor every single bit of data that comes and goes nothing escapes so this is the only other thing i can think of to where the other 31p goes,does seem to fit though as every other time ive worked it out it is always wrong until i include the 2p per hour.