Hi Jos,
You should be able to manually roam onto the correct network by clicking on Tools > Select Network.
This will scan for available networks in your area and display them on the screen. You'll need to pick the appropriate roaming network for that country, which you can find on our
Going Abroad website.
Now usually your data-card should automatically connect to the appropriate roaming network, and this should be displayed on the main Connection screen in Vodafone Mobile Connect (next to the Connect button). It should never show "Vodafone UK" on this screen while abroad.
If you're not able to connect to any networks, it sounds like we might need to double-check that all roaming bars have been correctly lifted from your account and that there are no errors with your number. If that's the case, reply to the email I've sent you asking for account details. Once we have these we can then try and resolve this for you over email
Looking forward to getting you up and running
eForum Team