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Content Control Issue

2: Seeker
2: Seeker
When trying to access a site my phone tells me you cannot check that content control has been removed (although it has) and therefore won't let me on, anybody else experiencing this?

Getting the content control message when I try to access skybet despite having content control removed years ago

Hi longleyleeds


I’ll send you a private message so that we can check your account to ensure this is definitely removed. I’m sure adding it and removing it again should jig things back into life.


You can find your PM inbox here





4: Newbie



I change my Tariff on my phone now i get this Content control Issue. my online account will not change it and i have called VF 4 times now. 2 of wish said there is a issue with the service and the other 2 one was yesterday said he will change it and one again to day but this time i got a TXT message to say it has been removed but yet i still get this issue.


I have cleaned out my cashe on my phone and also powerd it down and removed the sin. yes i know does not make a diff removing the sim but hey ho VF  always asks this question.



after a cuple more hours i still do not have access to my sites and some apps.


so i am now stuck and sins my contact how knows what i will do. been with VF 13-14 years with pay monthly. dont even know why they changed my settings i ask the gril to put me on a 30day contract will i find the phone i want (£15. insted of £35) and will nothing els change and she said yes. i asked her this 3 times she also told me i get 100MB of internet and with the £5 add on i get 500MB so i get 500MB of internet. Guess she was not good at maths so had to  teach her how to add 100+500 = 600. took me about 10mins before she understood. guess her math is as good as my spelling.


over and out


Best Regards
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Salutations / Cordiali Saluti / Dhanyawaad / 謹上 / Saudações
Andrew Mackie

2: Seeker
2: Seeker



I am having issues with this too. Can someone please send me details on hot to reactivate. I tried setting it online but told me to call cust services.




There is nothing you can do. Just sit back and wait for them to find another temporary fix- just another 4 hours or so.