11-11-2015 11:52 AM
Where do I find the figure for data remaining on a PAYG 4G R216 Mobile WiFi dongle?
I’ve just bought the device which comes with 6GB for 30 days, after that data topup packs are required.
I’ve hunted round ‘My Vodafone’ and can only find ‘Itemised usage’. This details every single browsing session but doesn’t give any figures for total data used or total data remaining. Not very helpful.
Much searching of the website ensued. I delved down a few likely headings and went round in a few loops before deciding the information was not on the website
I wasted an awful long time on ‘Live chat’ where I was told by Sumedh that I was on the ‘old system’ and would be ‘migrated to the new system’. ‘Give it 24 hours’ he said.
More than 24 hours later I had a very long wasted phone call where I was eventually told I would be transferred to a specialist who could go through my account with me online. The transfer failed and I was left listening to tone.
I'm sure I'm not the only customer who wants to know their data usage. Assuming someone else will have come across this before, I posted here. Does Vodafone make this basic information available?
Interestingly my first eForum post made a day or two ago has recently just vanished from this Forum listing. Hopefully this one will stick.
I understand completely the frustration many posters are experiencing when they try to use Vodafone support.
13-11-2015 04:14 PM
Dear Vodafone employees,
Here is a useful page on the 'Institute of Customer Service' website
Please point your bosses at it. Thanks.
Point 3 seems particularly pertinent
3. Give complaining enough priority and authority
Staff should be aware that complaints are a top priority item for your operation, and anyone who deals with them must have sufficient authority to resolve them completely.