04-03-2018 08:33 PM
Hi everyone.
I joined Vodafone fibre broadband on the 76mb package 9 days ago and ever since I have had varying speeds. I have performed speed tests and one minute I do a test and it shows 50mbps but then 1 minute later I do another test and it shows 15mbps.
This is worse in the evenings than during the day.
I am supposed to be having tech level 2 phone me tomorrow to discuss this. I had constant download speeds with sky before I changed so I know the line is good.
Could it be that DLM is causing me these issues as I've only been connected for 9 days? Does it really take 2 weeks to settle the speed?
I've had speed tests as low as 3mbps and as high as 60mbps.
Thinking of leaving to be honest as my friend next door gets 70mbps on plusnet.
Any advice?
06-03-2018 01:58 PM
Hi @Tompug206, I'm sorry to hear that your speeds keep dropping so frequently.
So we can look into this with you, please refer to the private message that i've just sent to you.
06-03-2018 02:14 PM
No it's fine thanks, I've switched provider and will be leaving Vodafone before my 30 days period is up. Worse decision I've made switching to Vodafone, best decision I've made leaving 👍🏻
06-03-2018 04:25 PM
My apologies for the experience @Tompug206.
If there's anything we can do in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us again.