31-03-2011 02:39 PM
Just a short note to those who are having woes with BT infinity.
My FTTC connection went live this morning and as with many, the Suresignal refused to work. Not a squeak...
After a couple of hours fiddling, it's now working.
For the record, this is the setup after fiddling:
40Mbps connection on BT Fibre - ISP is Aquiss.
Router: Draytek 2920Vn
MTU set at the default 1442 of the router (anything above 1462 cause packet fragmentation - but 1462 seemed to produce slower throughput than the default of 1442)
The signal has had a fixed IP address allocated (see other posts of how to do this, as it is specific to your type of router).
It wouldn't work until the following ports were opened up on the firewall:
TCP 8*
TCP 123*
TCP 50
UDP 500
UDP 4500
I initially forwarded only the last 3 ports, and it didn't come to life until I added *.
08-07-2015 07:49 PM
Very useful info. My system had been working with a Draytek router and separate modem for nine months. Suddenly its stopped. I set up all the forwards and it still wouldn't even connect to the servers.
On some other threads, it was claimed the Vigor 120 modem wouldn't work. But I knew it could because it had worked for nine months. So I changed one more setting on the Draytek router. I deselected 'accept large incoming fragments'.
The SS had been sat there with its error lights on, but about ten seconds later it went back to trying to connect. It reset itself again, and after a couple of minutes connected and works fine again.
So, one extra thing to check!
08-07-2015 07:56 PM
We have a number of suresignals running on Dreytek 28xx VDSL routers, with no problems.
The Dreytek is acting as the FTTC modem, and router - we have ditched the openreach box.
As long as the allow vpn passthrough services are enabled (i think unticked on the dreytek options) V1 V2 and V3 suresignals have worked out of the box.
18-02-2016 03:42 PM
Take a look, this resolved my issue.