30-08-2017 11:34 AM
Hi I have never used face book at all not only have I no need to, I believe it destroys mobile devices.
So looking through my data usage settings I keep seeing
Face book app manager
even though it doesn't use loads of data it is still annoying that I have any thing Facebook on my device when I actively go out of my way to avoid it
Does any one know why it is there
It does seem from the icon next to it that it is part of the operating system and the data usage is the only place I can find it.
I am hoping it is Samsung's way of dealing with the destruction the app causes but after watching Zuckerberg turn into a nervous wreck when some one asked him about privacy I don't have any faith in the guy
Solved! Go to best answer.
30-08-2017 12:16 PM
I've not got a Facebook App Manager on my HTC so it's possibly something that Samsung has installed.
From what I can work out online it's an app that Facebook use to push minor updates to the main app, thus bypassing the PlayStore.
You may be able to disable it in your app manager, see instructions here
Hope that helps?
30-08-2017 12:16 PM
I've not got a Facebook App Manager on my HTC so it's possibly something that Samsung has installed.
From what I can work out online it's an app that Facebook use to push minor updates to the main app, thus bypassing the PlayStore.
You may be able to disable it in your app manager, see instructions here
Hope that helps?
30-08-2017 12:32 PM
Thanks buddy I've posted a shot
As it is not using a lot of data I'm going to have to give in with this one annoying as it is
I found on my last device S5 disabling apps can cause errors warnings came true for me ending up with screen glitches and screen flickering when the brightness was turned low
Appreciate you looking into though
30-08-2017 12:48 PM
Oh dear, that's not ideal!
Unless it's a system core app disabling it shouldn't cause any issues. In fact, Facebook's support pages give instructions on how to disable it so in this instance you might be fine to go ahead and kill it!
I guess some manufacturers have some kind of deal with Facebook to make this part of the core system on your phone! Very poor decision by them if this is the case 😞
30-08-2017 03:15 PM
Thanks again that was the annoying part that it is cooked in
I'll just have to live with it
I'll never understand how they need the access to the main system though.