24-09-2017 03:31 PM
Hi. I have an iPhone SE.
Is there a way to force it to defualt to wifi calling when connected to wifi rather than cellular calling?
I have a strong broadband singal and speed at home whereas cellular coverage is pretty ropey so would prefer to be always be connected to wifi and not swapping between the two when walking round the house, meaning calls are dropped.
I've read about putting it into airplane mode and turning on wifi but that requires me to remember to switch it back everytime i leave the house or if the wifi goes down for whatever reason then I'd not get calls coming in either.
24-09-2017 03:53 PM
Hi @Liamh
WiFi calling will only operate when there is no mobile network available and the phone will first attempt to connect using a mobile signal. This will mean if the mobile connection drops, you will need to redial.
If this is a problem for you in your home, the other altternative will be a Sure Signal box, you will then receive perfect 3G signal around your home. You can also try changing your network settings to 2G only, with 2G being a stronger signal, this can sometimes provide a more stable connection.
24-09-2017 08:11 PM
Interesting observation that EE WiFi calling is setup to be first preference if available, regardless of mobile signal.
24-09-2017 08:26 PM
Yeah, read that on another site. Was seriously considering moving over to them. Come on Vodafone, catch up.