26-08-2016 01:33 PM
Hi all
First post here! trying to find out more about my Note 7 Pre-order as ive not heard anything since the initial order.
Has anyone had confirmation they will be getting it on the 30/8?
Tried chat and 191 both saying different things as is in store. Also the tracking is not working yet because it is a pre-order.
I know there are some supply issues but I will need to amend delivery address if im not getting it on the tuesday and obviously dont have much time to change anything.
any help would be appricated.
17-10-2016 08:32 PM
19-10-2016 08:41 AM
I've just returned from 2 weeks away when Vodafone said they would refund me by the 07/10/2016, do you think they have??
NOPE! going to speak to citizens advice today as its £280 not a small amount for phone or contract I no longer have.
19-10-2016 08:52 AM
Just checked my bill they have credit my account ##~## how useless are they
19-10-2016 03:01 PM
19-10-2016 03:58 PM
Waiting until the 2nd to see if they have removed the early termination fee from my bill.
19-10-2016 04:01 PM
I'm expecting an early termination fee when my PAC goes through, despite being assured otherwise.
24-10-2016 12:02 PM
Latest bill whilst I wait to switch and what have Vodafone done
Charged me an upfront cost for the Note 7!
DD is being cancelled and the sooner my new phone and sim comes, the better.