26-08-2016 01:33 PM
Hi all
First post here! trying to find out more about my Note 7 Pre-order as ive not heard anything since the initial order.
Has anyone had confirmation they will be getting it on the 30/8?
Tried chat and 191 both saying different things as is in store. Also the tracking is not working yet because it is a pre-order.
I know there are some supply issues but I will need to amend delivery address if im not getting it on the tuesday and obviously dont have much time to change anything.
any help would be appricated.
10-11-2016 02:03 PM
Hi @kylie18
I have just escalated this for you, you will hear back within the next few days.
11-11-2016 07:31 PM
It's been well over 72 hours now and no contact and no change to being billed for a service I haven't received.
11-11-2016 09:19 PM
11-11-2016 09:45 PM
My understanding, and certainly this is the case with the financial onburdsman, is that it you lodge a complaint and it is not upheld then if you then appeal then the company has to pay £150 (it helps pay for the service).
There I would urge everyone to register a complaint with the ombudsman, the really in nothing to loose and it in the only way Vodafone will put any effort into customer service
12-11-2016 06:48 PM
The money they are charging me for a service I never received is now affecting my credit score, if this is not corrected immediately I will be going to OFTEL!
17-11-2016 04:02 PM
Hi All, I am pleased to say that I have now placed everything in the hands of the onburdsman and so at least that means i dont need to deal with Vodafone. If anyone wants to know more about the process i have created a new post "Note 7 - Best Vodafone Complaint Process".
The onburdsman has a specialist team dealing with Vodafone complaints, the only telecoms company that they have this for, which tells its own story
17-11-2016 04:58 PM
Had a phonecall from Scarlett from Nick Jeffrey's office today, she is sorting everything to do with my account and will keep me updated. Including getting my credit score fixed.
17-11-2016 05:29 PM
I've still heard nothing
23-11-2016 12:01 PM
@skull66 Thanks for updating us. If you do need any further assistance, please let us know.
@thompsonmp Our Note 7 team have advised that this is now showing as complete. If you do still have your Note 7 and wish to return it, please confirm this and we'll arrange for a member of the team to get in touch.
@djewson I've sent a Private Message to you, please respond to this message so we can help you further.