12-08-2014 06:11 PM
Firstly I would like to ask if anyone else has had any problems with the cameras sensor or the phones resetting after taking a picture with a flash and poor workmanship in regards to the repair centres only I have had to send my phone back three times only for Vodafone to return defective reconditioned phone after phone so as my warranty was almost up I demanded a replacement model which is only fair however Vodafone will only offer sending the phone back which normally would not be an issue however how is this fair when after a month the contract runs out along with any warranty! I have been a customer for over ten years with three contracts but the repair centre is a joke, from greasy finger print inside the lens to damages photo sensors due to poor handling! Customer care repeatedly informs me of incorrect and conflicting information and it is impossible to make a formal complaint?
I will be cancelling all my contracts and making a case with Ofcom!
12-08-2014 09:47 PM
Vodafone will only replace the Phone if it is beyond economical repair. (usually)
You do have the option of using HTC for the repair if you are not happy with the results from Vodafone's repair service.
Seeing as you are very close to the end of your Warranty period it might be the best course of action?