30-07-2014 12:58 PM
I dropped my HTC one mini 2 over the weekend and it has a hairline crack across the screen, about a third of the way down. The crack is barely visable and has no impact on functionality, however my concern is that it will get worse over time.
I'm been reading about HTC advantage for the HTC one where they will repair a cracked screen free off charge as a one off within the first six months. I was wondering as I have only had my phone for 4 weeks of a 2 year contract if vodafone are offering the above repair free off charge (I'm not sure if advantage is available in the UK yet).
If not how much do vodafone charge for such a repair and how long does the repair take from me sending the phone to receiving it back (assuming next day delivery).
Thank you in advance
30-07-2014 03:30 PM
I suspect you'd need to go direct to HTC for this. Generally, Vodafone aren't allowed by any of the manufacturers to carry out a warranty repair if there's any sign of damage. I haven't heard of what you describe, but it would be worth asking. They'd also be able to give you an idea of the timescale and may also send you a mailing package.
26-08-2014 09:17 PM
I am in the same position. Hair line crack across screen 5 weeks into a 2yr contract, no insurance on the basis my desire s has barely a scratch after 3 years use.
Advised by on line chat to go into a store, where they then told me that a replacement screen would be £190. The other option is basically live with it.
Despite being pretty ##### off at that, to abandon/buy out the contract would cost of £720.
I have left a comment on the HTC Facebook for the One mini 2. I hope they will comeback with some news on the Advantage scheme that is available in the states and was expected (by press/blogs) to spread to other countries.
26-08-2014 09:38 PM
28-08-2014 02:29 PM
28-08-2014 02:32 PM
Hi Russellc823,
Like you my previous phone HTC One X was virtually bulletproof and after two and a half years there was barely a scratch on the screen. Both supposedly have the same gorilla glass but the one x survived being thrown against walls by my toddler, as well as mutiple drops but the mini 2 cracked on being dropped once.
I got in touch with htc via their online chat interface and the guy said that they weren't sure if/when the Advantage scheme would be available in the UK. I asked what they would charge to replace the screen and he said that they'd have to assess the phone before they could give me a quote. Surely a hairline crack in the screen is a simple screen replacement but what do I know
I decided to live with it as it's not impacting the phones performance and the is barely visable on the display unless you look at a specific angle. I simply bought one of those cheap screen protectors and applied that over the top in the hope that that will prevent the crack from getting any worse. So far so good.
Do let me know if you get anything more positive back from your FB post.
28-08-2014 04:02 PM
@GMcA wrote:
Surely a hairline crack in the screen is a simple screen replacement but what do I know
The digitiser (the bit that responds to touch) is usually bonded to the glass and is the expensive bit, so the whole thing has to be replaced. A lot of stripping-down goes into the process as well.
Hardened glass is odd stuff. It'll survive all kinds of rough treatment and then you just have to catch it at the wrong angle for it to go in a second. Several people have reported good results from a screen protector, but the damage is never going to get any better and the crack may impact on the rigidity of the phone and so get worse. I'd give HTC a chance to assess it, just to see if they'll do a warranty repair. Though, if the phone's been dropped, I rather doubt it.
25-10-2014 09:41 AM
03:06 PM
- last edited on
05:49 PM
Good news.... Found an independent who can repair my phone for£80. So Vodafone, I hereby give notice that I will recover the cost of repairs to the phone over the next 2 years of our contract. Failure to respond to this post will be interpreted as acceptance of this instruction. Regards Richard Robinson Mob [removed for security].
25-10-2014 03:22 PM
You need to do two things:
1. Remove your mobile number from a public website before it gets picked up by Google and you're spammed to death.
2. Forget about giving Vodafone notice of anything - your post here has no meaning for them and will have no affect on them. If you try and underpay your bill to recover the cost you will be deemed to have defaulted on your contract and the implications of that are too nasty to think about.