19-01-2013 05:09 PM
I have an iphone 5 that was working fine with my sure signal and had been for a month since I got it - then something happened last night and now it doesn't.
This morning the Sure Signal had failed overnight, and so I reset it. My wifes Iphone 4 and my work Blackberry all reconnected fine, but my iphone 5 won't reconnect
Have tried all the recomenedfixes to get iphone 5 working today but none of them work.
Vodafone - what happened last night? was there an update sent to Sure signals?
Has anyone else had the same problem that iphone 5's were fine yesterday and today aren't???
20-01-2013 11:31 AM
Yup got same issue.
Have a few phones attached all working all ok S3, iphone 4s and iphone4
The iphone 5 dropped last night (18th Jan) and wont attach any more dispite reboots/resets of everything
Anyone help ?
21-01-2013 07:32 PM
Hi folks,
We've got plenty of iPhone 5 users still successfully using Sure Signal devices (one of them is even on our team!).
If resetting the devices doesn't work, feel free to paste the template results from our troubleshooting guide here. I'll also be able to use your serial numbers to perform a re-sync manually if it's still an issue for either of you.
Cheers, Ben
21-01-2013 08:14 PM