25-09-2012 10:09 PM
Hi there, today for no apparent reason my USB dongle has started acting up giving me the following error whenever I try to load unencrypted pages:
HTTP Error 403: The service you requested is restricted
The service you requested is restricted and not available to your browser
The restriction can be based on your IP-address, hostname, browser software, time-of-day or other variables. Most likely you requested a service that was made available to a restricted subnet.
Some extra details:
This error only occurs when trying to load websites with URL's that do not start with HTTPS. I can load secure, encrypted pages but not normal web pages. I had to download a Google Chrome extension that forces encryption to access the forum to post this - not a satisfactory solution as it doesn't work for all websites.
I have tried the following solutions to rectify any intermittent problems:
-Unplugged, restarted, disabled and re-enabled all relative devices.
-Uninstalled and re-installed the VMB Dashboard, even to older versions.
-Performed a system restore from a restore point created two days ago.
None of these have rectified the situation. Is this a fault at Vodafones end? If so, any idea when it will be fixed?
Area Code: FY1
27-09-2012 01:35 PM
Hi there L-Delain,
Thanks for letting us know about this.
Would you mind giving me an example of one of the websites you are attempting to view?
Would you consider any or the websites to be over 18 rated such as National Lottery or pub related, for example?
Have you tried switching Content Control off in the event it has been inadvertently replaced on your account?
Could you give me a little more information such as whether the same thing happens if you try the dongle in another machine?
What OS is your machine running including any service packs?
What is your version of Vodafone Mobile Broadband?
If you can get back to me we will be better positioned to advise further.