OK. So, VMC installed (version (with no response to the previous post, I guessed it was a misplaced 'not'). New (replacement) modem stick. The new stick works well, better, in fact, on the PC. Previously, its presence wouldn't be detected by Vista and it would take many rounds of trying to add a new device. Works fine on the Mac ... when stationary.
On the train today, again in between Reading and Didcot, the same fault occurred. The modem would switch between solid blue and solid green with no problem. Then, at a point at which it would normally go back to solid blue, everything on the operating system seizes up in turn, VMC, Mail, Finder. And as before, it required a restart. Force quitting has no good effect, removing the stick has no effect. It's impossible to launch new programs. What next? I'm months in and having the same problem with a modem stick I bought specifically for this journey.
I can't work out how to uninstall just the VMC interface and kernel extension. Is this a solution? How would I configure the modem to bypass the VMC interface?