12:15 PM
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03:58 PM
We’ve created this thread to help with an issue that some people find during setup.
This issue has the following symptoms:
Troubleshooting steps:
Wait 24 hours.
It can sometimes take up to 24 hours for the Sure Signal to fully register with the server. Before attempting any of the steps below, please wait 24 hours.
Check for planned maintenance.
Planned maintenance can cause periods of downtime, so check the forum for any planned maintenance. If there is, this will be announced at the top of the Sure Signal forum.
Check that your Sure Signal has registered successfully.
Before your Sure Signal can connect to our network, you need to register it with us.
You’ll receive a text or email to let you know when the registration is complete and your Sure Signal won’t work until you’ve received this message.
To check your Sure Signal is registered, login to your My Vodafone Account and click on the 'My Sure Signal' tab. Your Sure Signal details should be listed, along with the status 'Registered'.
If you’ve not yet registered your Sure Signal, you can do this directly from the My Sure Signal page in your My Vodafone Account .
If you’re a Business customer, please register on our business Sure Signal page.
Manually configure your router to allow port-forwarding.
In most cases, routers support a system called Universal Plug-n-Play (UPnP), which sets up port-forwarding for you automatically. If you’ve got a complicated network setup, or a complex router, you may need to enter these settings manually.
Please see the following for a list of IP addresses and port numbers that need to be forwarded to your Sure Signal's internal IP address. For instructions on how to do this, we recommend you contact your ISP or Router Manufacturer, or refer to the default guide for your particular make and model, over at
Destination IP Addresses:
Ports and Protocols:
Please note that in the above list of IP addresses, the notation "" means the complete range of IP addresses between and
Your router also needs to assign the Sure Signal with a DNS (Domain Name Server) address via DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Post your router/ISP details and Sure Signal serial number.
If you’ve done all of the above, or you’re struggling with configuring your router, please post your router's make and model number below. Please also include your Sure Signal serial number and the name of your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
We find that other users of the same router will usually be able to share tips with you, to get things working.
We’ll also attempt to help with this, but due to the number of different manufacturers and models, it is not always possible. We don’t officially support any form of router configuration, so we’ll always recommend contacting your router manufacturer or ISP for assistance first.
17-12-2010 11:15 AM
Hi. I have been having problems on and off all month now. I've had the Sure Signal for 18 months and when it works it's great but when it doesn't it hugely frustrating and that seems to be happening more and more of late! I've tried everything over the last 24 hours but nothing is working and I'm still left with light 1 on and light 2 flashing. Could you let me know if there is any maintenance in the EX6 area at the moment please?
17-12-2010 03:11 PM
Dear All,
I like the rest of you have now been going through this saga for 3 days... I used to be the technical director for a UK ISP so I think that I know something about Internet etc.
My problem was slightly different to any I have seen here. I had all the lights on but the 3G would only come on for about a minute. Then the VSS would recycle / reboot itself and go through the whole process again.
My first annoyance was trying to get through to VSS support. I had to give my mobile number 5 times along with the rest of my details. Most annoying.
Secondly I spoke to secondline support who gave me the wrong information, I now know, on how to hard reset the VSS. They then said that it would take 6 hours for it to reset itself. I waited and waited and nothing happened. All I ended up with was the power light on steady. The ethernet green light on and the orange ethernet flashing about once every second.
24 hrs later I phoned again and had to go through the same rigmorole to get to support for vss. They then gave me the run around regarding port forwarding although nothing had changed at my end from when it worked. I then had a text message telling me what ports to add. I could not reply to that text BTW. It was one way the same as the customer service email address is. By this time I had discovered that my vss was not even getting a DHCP address. So the reset had obviously not worked.
The next call to support, in Cairo Egypt, lead to another red herring hard reset. "Press the reset button for 40 seconds, THEN unplug the ETHERNET cable, and then plug it back in again for another 40 seconds." This did nothing as I have since found out that it was the power cable that should be unplugged thanks to this forum.
So, finally after 3 days I have done a hard reset on my VSS and low and behold it immediately picked up an IP address and started a mega data download. During this time the top 3 lights on the side flashed in alternating sequence of 1 &3 followed by 2. This went on for about 3 minutes. I am assuming that it has done a software update during this time.
The VSS then went into light 1 on steady and light 2 flashing. Which it is still doing an hour later... I now will wait to see what happens.
BTW, is it right that you can't ping the VSS?
Vodafone have a lot to answer for. We are the only country in the world that needs these types of boxes, unless you are in the wilds of the US. Go to Europe and you get a full 5 bar signal anywhere, even on the top of the alps!
My few pennyworth.
17-12-2010 05:08 PM
OK - I'm getting further along.
Ii've worked out I have a Netgear DG934G router with my Sky broadband service, and so using the instructions on I was able to add services for a few of the ports and have set up firewall rules to forward them to a "LAN SERVER" which I then put the IP address of my Sure Signal box in that box.
The problem I have now is that when trying to set up a new service for port 500, I get an error saying "Service Port number was defined by another service.". However, looking at the list of services, I don't see any other service listed for port 500 - just the other two I've defined (50 and 4500)...
Any ideas what this might be and how to fix THAT?
18-12-2010 11:57 AM
18-12-2010 12:59 PM
well my vss has just started working it has been off for the last two days.let's see how long it last's.
18-12-2010 01:05 PM
well that went well it's gone off again come on vodafone sort this out.:smileymad:
21-12-2010 11:42 AM
I thought that we may have had a reply from forum staff at least and i see that nobody from vodafone has even bothered to reply, so that to me says vodafone are to ashed to admit they have got problems with there precious suresignal system and also means that we getting no help from them if this problem happens again
cheers vodafone thanks for listening and supporting your customers!
23-12-2010 02:28 AM
23-12-2010 08:42 AM
I am really starting to loose the plot with this sure signal, works ok for about a week then suddenly goes of again. its now happened 3 times and i keep re-setting again and it comes on in about 24hours later. this time it wont re-set at all !! i have done the factory re-set to no avail.
currently the top light is on solid and the 2nd light is flashing.
This has to be the worst product i have came across and customer support is a joke.
vodaphone sort this mess out ffs:smileymad:
23-12-2010 09:17 AM
Hi Digicom
I can understand how you feel concerning the downtime you are getting on your Sure Signal unit, with being a Sure Signal user myself.
The scenario you are giving with the lights, can be caused by differing issues, some which may be resolved with the information been given by the tech support teams. The advice they give is in good faith, with the overlining issue been, the speed at which a Sure Signal outage is relayed to the support teams. Without this knowledge that there's an outage, the other scenarios have to be concidered, and thus resolutions given.
If you've had a fully functoning unit, and no changes have been made, and it stops functioning, it's always best to advice this to the support team when they contact you concerning your issue. The 1st indication we get of a fault or outage is an influx of customers advising that the service has stopped.
eForum Team