12:15 PM
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03:58 PM
We’ve created this thread to help with an issue that some people find during setup.
This issue has the following symptoms:
Troubleshooting steps:
Wait 24 hours.
It can sometimes take up to 24 hours for the Sure Signal to fully register with the server. Before attempting any of the steps below, please wait 24 hours.
Check for planned maintenance.
Planned maintenance can cause periods of downtime, so check the forum for any planned maintenance. If there is, this will be announced at the top of the Sure Signal forum.
Check that your Sure Signal has registered successfully.
Before your Sure Signal can connect to our network, you need to register it with us.
You’ll receive a text or email to let you know when the registration is complete and your Sure Signal won’t work until you’ve received this message.
To check your Sure Signal is registered, login to your My Vodafone Account and click on the 'My Sure Signal' tab. Your Sure Signal details should be listed, along with the status 'Registered'.
If you’ve not yet registered your Sure Signal, you can do this directly from the My Sure Signal page in your My Vodafone Account .
If you’re a Business customer, please register on our business Sure Signal page.
Manually configure your router to allow port-forwarding.
In most cases, routers support a system called Universal Plug-n-Play (UPnP), which sets up port-forwarding for you automatically. If you’ve got a complicated network setup, or a complex router, you may need to enter these settings manually.
Please see the following for a list of IP addresses and port numbers that need to be forwarded to your Sure Signal's internal IP address. For instructions on how to do this, we recommend you contact your ISP or Router Manufacturer, or refer to the default guide for your particular make and model, over at
Destination IP Addresses:
Ports and Protocols:
Please note that in the above list of IP addresses, the notation "" means the complete range of IP addresses between and
Your router also needs to assign the Sure Signal with a DNS (Domain Name Server) address via DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Post your router/ISP details and Sure Signal serial number.
If you’ve done all of the above, or you’re struggling with configuring your router, please post your router's make and model number below. Please also include your Sure Signal serial number and the name of your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
We find that other users of the same router will usually be able to share tips with you, to get things working.
We’ll also attempt to help with this, but due to the number of different manufacturers and models, it is not always possible. We don’t officially support any form of router configuration, so we’ll always recommend contacting your router manufacturer or ISP for assistance first.
10-12-2010 10:55 AM
I too have recently experienced solid power light, flashing @ light ever since about the 5th/6th december. Prior to this it had been working ok. No changes to ANY configuration my end.
Usual useless technical "support" from vodaphone over the phone. "Definitely the ISP's problem" they said, they didn't even know about the planned VSS mainenance this December as reported on your forum!!!!!!
PLEASE GET THIS SORTED - I need this signal for work!!!
ISP: Sky 14MB d/l 0.4 MB u/l
Router: Belkin 5D8633UK4A
Ports opened:
Like I said working flawlessly for two months prior to what I suspect is the Planned Maintenance discussed in the above thread. No ammount of switching on/off factory resetting/ waiting 24 hours/ 72 hours has got this up and working again.
10-12-2010 06:06 PM
I am also having the same issue. No major problems over the last 8 months, just the 3 or 4 outages a month sorted out by a box reset, but nothing this time since Wednesday, just the dreaded flashing light.
Spoke twice with tech support today and the best advice I has was see its working later or tomorrow morning!
10-12-2010 06:35 PM
Hi George (Vodafone) and all,
Following my earlier post I still have the same problem from this morning (and earlier in the week, and prior episodes) even after talking with 3rd line support now and it's almost definately (as I and others have always felt) not a local router issue (they've been fine and nothing changed, etc) and is some issue (again) with the servers that support the Sure Signal boxes in terms of VPN connection to them for connection to the rest of the Vodafone network.
It appears, possibly a red herring but who knows, that the take up of Sure Signal has been vastly more popular (!) than Vodafone expected and that the number of network servers handling the service (and no matter what we're told by many, the boxes talk to servers at Vodafone via VPN and/or the ports always mentioned) was underestimated and has been increased (?) but probably needs further capacity .. so possible scenario is just plain out of connection capacity on the VPN side and/or the servers are dropping connections due to overload etc.
As a positive suggestion, and yes I do want this whole service to work for me and all as it's good when it does so not adverse to positive suggestions as well as complaining like mad at the lack of admission of outages etc., how about producing a bit of diagnostic software or even just a webpage with applet that customers can use when talking to 2nd line support or before that simply checks the outgoing ports and also tests connection to the servers in a similar way to how the boxes themselves are doing. It wouldn't be hard to therefore eliminate (or not) the router/isp aspect that is always the first blamed and would save both the customers and the support staff a lot of hassle and time.
There is now talk from what I gather, in fact one person at support asked to be allowed to do this, of using Logmein software (a great product by the way, I use it a lot for internally business use) to let the support staf remotely control the customers pc's so they can confirm ports are open and the router is working etc. This is not on .. remote access with full control to customers pcs is a huge security issue and should not even be considered given that we all know in the majority of situations it's not related to the router/isp although obviously some specific user problems are.
I personnaly use website which checks outgoing port capability and handles tcp and udp (with the applet) and that is fact shows and eliminates the router and isp from the equation as it shows whether trafiic can get out on the required ports and past the router/isp .. so Vodafone could utilise similar software or even that website to check and prove or not if it's router/isp related and in case of today and previous episodes it would show that it's an issue at their end in some way.
The mere fact that without doing anything, all .. that's ALL .. of the times I've had problems in the last few weeks the issue has finally resolved itself ithout interaction at my end .. mostly waking up in the morning to find everythings working and implying that it's a remote issue that's been sorted like perhaps VPN Connection congestion relived over night, or servers rebooted, etc etc.
So Vodafone, how about just admitting that the service needs internal work/capacity increases/fixes/etc., perhaps provide software to test outgoing ports are working or not, etc. so all of us, Vodafone and customers, can stop running through many hours of covering the same old ground time and again and wasting so much time at both ends testing and blaming the router/isp every time and concentrate on fixing the route (excuse the pun!) of the issues (in many, admittedly not all, cases)
Fellow customers - I recommend that website to test your outgoing ports and confirm or not if that's an issue and I would strongly suggest to anyone, customer or not, that you give very careful thought before allowing anyone, Vodafone or not, remote access to your pcs!
Best regards,
10-12-2010 07:22 PM
11-12-2010 11:27 AM
10-12-2010 10:30 PM
Hi, I have joined Vodafone yesterday after they sold me 2 iphone 4's and a sure signal box. The sure signal box has been in around 32 hours but 2nd light is just flashing. What is the first thing I should do? Thanks in advance..
10-12-2010 10:31 PM
10-12-2010 10:36 PM
I have tested that all the required ports are open, (altho why I am doing this when it was working perfectly days ago, and nothing changed) I also tried the method DerekPapworth suggested and I can confirm that all the ports are open, So I guess I just wasted more time because Vodafone won't listen to their customers, We need this fixed, or at least acknowledged.
10-12-2010 11:20 PM
My sure signal is just back on working! For how long?
11-12-2010 08:56 AM
I have had my SS box flashing merrily for 3 days now. Its the familiar @ light. The main power light is on. This morning i have been told by Vodafone the following:-
1. I was not registered. Not correct. The Vodafone web site tells me I am and they have sent emails and texts to confirm.
2. Vodfone have had lots of this sort of problem over the last 2 weeks and I am on a list of complainants. They are working flatout to sort the problem out with BT. ( I have a Home Hub 2 router )
3. Vodafone also said that the weather has been cold so this could be the problem.
Can anybody help without blaming leaves on the line! The flashing lights are helping with the festive feel but I'd like to make a phone call now and again!
I have not played with my router settings as some of the threads have suggested as it seems clear that this is a Vodafone problem.
I have asked Vodafone how they intend to communicate the resolution of the problem with their long list of customers experiencing the same problem. I received a long silence. If I hadn't been on the landline ( cause the Sure Signal box doesn't work ) I might have thought the line had cut out. I did suggest maybe text or email. They are having a think about it.