The Device Manager now shows driver issues as Ok, but there is still a problem. The modem is shown is missing: in Windows Networking > VMCLite> Connect >Properties>General it says 'Modem Removed - Huwai Mobile Connect (Com 7)' - which may refer to my previous modem (or is this new modem also Huwai?). It should not refer to the old modem as I uninstalled the old version of VMC lite, deleted all drivers for the old Huwai modum, ran Registry Mechanic, and rebooted. I do not understand the Com 7, which is not shown in Device manager, where the new modem is shown as connected to Com 3 and Com 4. |
Hi John,
Thanks for being so thorough in the information you've provided - it makes our job a lot easier
The phantom modem you're seeing is one of Windows little oddities. Even though you've deleted the drivers, unplugged it, and removed any references from the Registry, Windows still keeps a track of any and all devices that have been plugged into it. You'll find this old modem entry is still present under Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options > Modems Tab.
Delete all of the modems from this list, and also delete the manual Dial-up connection that you've been using to get connected while you've been having this issue, then reboot.
The next time you plug in the modem, now that the duplicate entries have gone, it should be able to pick it up and assign it correctly - and when you press Connect for the first time, this will prompt the software to write a new DUN connection into windows, this time with all the correct settings and modem references present, which should hopefully resolve the issue
Failing that, and dispite your mis-givings, my understanding is that the full versions of Vodafone Mobile Connect downloadable from here, do in fact contain drivers for all of our current devices, so I would still recommend this as the next step. The fact that you can get a connection using the dial-up method proves the modem is not faulty, and the drivers are working, which only leaves a problem specific to the VMC Software itself, so it's a pretty safe bet that this could resolve that. You may need to change the APN settings under Manage Connections if using a Pay-as-you-Go SIM card, but this is easy enough to do, and we can advise you more closely on that if it comes to it
Let me know how you get on.
eForum Team