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Dell Mini 9 - I'm Getting Blue Screen Errors

4: Newbie
Good morning people,

I have had a dell mini 9 netbook since feb last year witch has worked fine since now when ever i try to go on line through wi-fi or through the dongle the screen turns blue with the followin text.

"a problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to pevent damage to you computer"

Thechical information: *** STOP: 0x000000f4 (0x0000000003, 0x86e81020, 0x86e81194, 0x805d2954

and tellin me to try to start in safe mode to try a fix the fault, have done this but the same thing happens all the time, please can someone help?? what can i do who can i send it to is it right dell have a 2 year collet and return with my dell????

please help


4: Newbie
sorry if i have put this post in the wrong place

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi jd101

That doesn't sound very good at all.

I cant be 100% sure but it does sound like your Operating System has become corrupt leading to these errors.

Usually I would recommend putting the recovery CD-ROM and booting from that, however I suspect just like me, you don't have access to an external drive.

If this is the case, I would recommend giving Dell a call on 08454410480.

Be sure to make a note of your service tag number which is located on the underside of the net book or it can be found by opening the BIOS at boot by pressing the function button and F2.

eForum Team

4: Newbie

Hi jd101

That doesn't sound very good at all.

I cant be 100% sure but it does sound like your Operating System has become corrupt leading to these errors.

Usually I would recommend putting the recovery CD-ROM and booting from that, however I suspect just like me, you don't have access to an external drive.

If this is the case, I would recommend giving Dell a call on 08454410480.

Be sure to make a note of your service tag number which is located on the underside of the net book or it can be found by opening the BIOS at boot by pressing the function button and F2.

eForum Team

Chees Ben, got the service tag number just tryed to ring them it just sending me back to your website

4: Newbie
been tryin for over a hour to ring them now!!!!!!!

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi jd101,

Hmmm, how strange :wacko:. It normally doesn't take that long to get through to Dell on that number, it's possible that they may be quite busy though. There's nothing more that I can suggest other than to keep on trying.

eForum Team

4: Newbie
Hi again been tryin the number all afternoon and tonight sill getin the same message it's gettin a bit silly now that I can not get it sorted out please help me out I am away from home in a couple of weeks and need my netbook to stay in touch with my wife and baby because she has just started walkin.

Thanks again


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi jd101,

Apologies, it looks like you've been given an old number there. The number to contact Dell on is 0844 338 1000. I'd recommend giving that one a go instead.

eForum Team

4: Newbie
thanks been tryin that number since 9 am(the time that it says it is open from) but gettin a out of hours messge this is really gettin me down now

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi jd101,

I don't believe they are open at the weekend, which would explain the out of office response. As George said before, they don't usually take too long to get through to when they're in though, so I'd recommend calling on Monday.

I wish we could suggest something else, but it is Dell you need to speak with.


eForum Team