30-06-2014 05:19 PM
Hi, has anyone got any suggestions as to how I can stop my daughters mobile internat access once she has reached the 1Gb download limit?
I know there are messgaes sent warning that the limit is near, but 15 year olds tend to ignore this sort of stuff.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
30-06-2014 07:13 PM - edited 30-06-2014 07:16 PM
Hi there
When she is getting close to her limit you could take her phone away as that would stop her from going over. Alternatively, if you are worried about her going over, you can put her on PAYG. Those would be your best options as Vodafone don't have any usage caps. The other option would be to get Vodafone to disable mobile data entirely which would mean that she won't have any internet access at all.
Depending on the handset, you may be able to set a limit and have it turn off mobile data once the limit has been reached. The only downside is the mobile data can be turned back on.
30-06-2014 09:34 PM
You could tell her than any charges over the 1GB limit will be paid out of her pocket money.
At 15 she ought to be able to understand that, and she needs to learn how to manage money.