02:21 PM
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08:38 AM
Hi All,
I am wondering if anyone could help as my issue is reaching very high level of frustration. I will recap below:
I have purchased a Sony Xperia Z3 form A Vodafome Store at the end of September. Knowing that is phone has an inbuilt NFC chip and that Vodafone offers a Vodafone Wallet service that allow users to pay through their NFC enabled devices, I activate said service. In the process I was notifed that I would need to swap to a NFC Simcard to be able to use the service without the NFC sticker (the phone is NFC enabled so I do not see why I would need the sticker).
I then went to the store where I purchased the phone (near Victoria Station, where the staff has been extremly helpful btw) to swap SIM.
I was then told that, because I was on the old "Frontier" platform, the swap would not work, therefore I just had to wait to be migrated to the new system before I could activate a NFC Sim card and that they could not tell me if and when that would happen.
Finding this franky absurd, I contacted Vodafone tech support and I was told that I just had to go back to the store and that the swap would work.
Went back to the store, did the swap: it did not work.
Called back Tech support, where I was told that I had been unlucky as that specific sim card was faulty and to go back and try again.
Went back to the store (for the third time) to attempt with a new one and, guess what? It did not work.
So I called back tech support and I was told to call a specifc number from the store as they could direct store staff on how to do a workaround to make this work.
Went back to the store (for the FOURTH time): the number I was sent by tech support was the "Smart Pass" number where they had no idea of what I was talking about nor techinical ability to help at all.
Called, again from the store, Tech support where I had to expalin the situation again to tech support (all together for the 10th time) and I was transer to.. .the same guy at "Smart Pass" that did not have a clue!
I mean, seriuosly Vodafone? Is this how you roll out a service? Is this how you reward your early adopters?
Can someone help?
Solved! Go to best answer.
29-10-2014 05:47 PM
Yes, you need an NFC SIM to use Smartpass without the tag. Yes, you need to be on the new system for it to be supported. No, the shop should not have given you one - you'll be contacted if you have a suitable device and when the system supports you. NFC SIMs are being rolled out progressively and there's no way of short-circuiting the system. I've remarked before that, as shops have stock of the cards, it's looking as though there's a wider rollout on the horizon, but I'd expect an official announcement, probably via the blog and possibly with advertising.
If Smartpass or Wallet setup is implying you should get an NFC SIM now, it's jumping the gun a bit. It's right, but you can't just ask for one at the moment.
29-10-2014 05:47 PM
Yes, you need an NFC SIM to use Smartpass without the tag. Yes, you need to be on the new system for it to be supported. No, the shop should not have given you one - you'll be contacted if you have a suitable device and when the system supports you. NFC SIMs are being rolled out progressively and there's no way of short-circuiting the system. I've remarked before that, as shops have stock of the cards, it's looking as though there's a wider rollout on the horizon, but I'd expect an official announcement, probably via the blog and possibly with advertising.
If Smartpass or Wallet setup is implying you should get an NFC SIM now, it's jumping the gun a bit. It's right, but you can't just ask for one at the moment.
28-11-2014 12:46 PM
I think I may have the same issue, and faciling the same complete lack of understanding by Vodafone staff & systems. In my case I have a Samsung S5 which also has NFC. My last phone (Samsung S4) was from EE and came enabled with their eqivalent to the Vodafone Wallet and worked well.
I've the Wallet app, and SmartPass (registered and with £20 credit) but no way to get it to work via NFC. I was similarly told I needed a newer SIM which would include the extra elements to allow NFC to be enabled. The local Vodafone shop provided said SIM and I went to website Sim-swap page.
It said to keep checking over 24hrs (recycling phone power) all to no avail. Tried getting support on Vodafone small business web page but the link to online support does not work. Rang 191 and facing a 30min queue (ringback did not work).
Eventually got through to teh team who said that I had to wait 24hrs after reciving teh sim-swap SMS (not after getting the web page confirmation screen as it says). Waited without success. Been dead in the water for 2 days now.
Rang them again and they were unable to force teh sim swap, which had failed due to what they called 'Network Issues'. Was told to go back to shop and get a new SIM and try again.
Third call to teh small business team, and new Sim details provided but 4hrs later and still no sign of life, just emergency calls only. Again silly wait times on the phone lines.
If this is how they treat small business support god help the personal customers. I've 5 mobiles via Vodafone, and am tempted to take them elsewhere once contracts are up.
Sounds like my account is on the 'old system' as described here, but why can nobody on the (misnamed) customer support team know this?
28-11-2014 12:54 PM
Seems like I've hit same issue as posted in the Sony area and faciling the same complete lack of understanding by Vodafone staff & systems regarding NFC Sims. In my case I have a Samsung S5 which also has NFC. My last phone (Samsung S4) was from EE and came enabled with their eqivalent to the Vodafone Wallet and worked well.
I've the Wallet app, and SmartPass (registered and with £20 credit) but had no way to get it to work via NFC. I was told I needed a newer SIM which would include the extra elements to allow NFC to be enabled. The local Vodafone shop provided this and I went to website Sim-swap page.
It said to keep checking over 24hrs (recycling phone power) all to no avail. Tried getting support on Vodafone small business web page but the link to online support does not work. Rang 191 and facing a 30min queue (ringback did not work).
Eventually got through to teh team who said that I had to wait 24hrs after reciving teh sim-swap SMS (not after getting the web page confirmation screen as it says). Waited without success. Been dead in the water for 2 days now.
Rang them again and they were unable to force teh sim swap, which had failed due to what they called 'Network Issues'. Was told to go back to shop and get a new SIM and try again.
Third call to the small business team, and new Sim details provided but 4hrs later and still no sign of life, just emergency calls only. Again silly wait times on the phone lines.
If this is how they treat small business support god help the personal customers. I've 5 mobiles via Vodafone, and am tempted to take them elsewhere once contracts are up.
Sounds like my account is on the 'old system' (Frontier?) as is the case in the other post, but why can nobody on the (misnamed) customer support team know this?
28-11-2014 01:23 PM
Rang back, and got very sympathetic lady who said she had never heard of an NFC sim, only Micro & Nano. Bless!
Explained, and mentioned the above query about what system I'm on... got put on hold... then click - cut off.
Going back to old Sim in the hope it still works. Need to work out how to get my credit back off Vodafone Wallet as it seems a complete waste of time.
28-11-2014 02:50 PM
@Bosshogguk wrote:Need to work out how to get my credit back off Vodafone Wallet as it seems a complete waste of time.
The roll out hasn't been completed to all users at this stage, so if you want to be able to use the NFC on your phone you will need to SIM that supports this and also the account set up. As your account hasn't been migrated yet, there is no point in you getting an NFC SIM - you will be told if/when you need to get one.
In the meantime, nothing is stopping you from ordering the SmartTag which anyone can use.
28-11-2014 03:44 PM
Yep, I've re-inserted my Old SIM and it is back working (no NFC)
The point I was making is that the information about this (and even the existence of NFC sims) has not filtered out to Customer support. It was only by reading your post in this forum that I found out that it was not possible (yet).
I have a smart tag, but whats the point in having that on the back of a NFC enabled phone. Will just have to wait for a proper roll-out and ignore any misinformation provided.
It does beg the question, why has the Vodafone Wallet app been launched as I got notification and dutifully installed it + set up my account. I've now £20 credit sitting there I cannot use without the smart-tag.
Not good customer services in my book.
01-12-2014 11:05 AM
When you register for SmartPass, you should be sent a tag, a companion card (which you can use when contactless payment isn't available) and a PIN.
There was an issue prevoiusly with shops handing otu NFC SIMs to anyone who asked for them, which they shouldn't have. As drey_p said, you need to be on Vodafone's new system that supports them. If/when you are, have a compatible device and are running Vodafone software, you should be sent a new SIM.
08-02-2015 12:13 AM
i think he needs one now thats why hes asking so am i, but its prety obvious why he doesnt want smart pass,
1) smartpass is a sticker you have to stick on your phone.(why is it needed when you c have a phone capable of it.
2) why use smartpass, he might as well put a wifi card in his case.
3)hes a customer that had the ability on a older phone with ee but hes not got it on the newr phone with vodaphone.
4) if certain phones need to be checked by visa and mastercard and such surely that should be a priority for vodaphne as their customers want this new way to pay.
5) His choice.
Surly you at vodaphone can use your clout and persuade visa and mastercard to actually certify the phones you sell or give clear reasons why they wont, either way customers really just need a full and honest answer. With vodaphone and their huge international presence i dont think its hard for you to push the powers that be visa mastercard and whoever else to simple check a phone and say yes or no and give resons at least we wouldnt need to keep posting and hoping if it was no because of reason a or b. Thats the whole point i think. Whats the betting that if i ask visa theyll blame you. Strange world.
07-02-2015 11:56 PM
ive been waitign a while now and my nfc phone is still no closer in being used to pay for stuff. We have the technology why is it taking so long to check a phone for the active sim. I dont want to and am not going to use vodaphone method as i dont wana put a sticker on my phone, i might as well stick my card in the case lol, what would be nice is if someone could actually chase this cause alot of us want to do it. does anyone else have a pouint of view here and does any windows phone user on any network currently us their phone to pay with in the uk? Id love to know.