11-12-2014 10:03 AM
I have had an iphone for 24 months and have recently changed to an Iphone 6.
I have been trying for over a week to get the old iphone unlcoked so i can give it to a family memeber.
I have filled out the form, which then came back with errors. I checked these and there were no errors in the details provided. I then submitted the form again. Only to have an email saying they are unable to process this as the imei seems to be enetered twice even though i was told to do so. I then tried calling to get some help, no such look it prompts you to fo to the website. I just want this phone unlocking any suggestions ?
15-12-2014 11:58 AM
Hi @chloeboddx,
So that we can look into this further please have a chat with our Live help team.
Matt B
20-12-2014 10:31 PM